Cocoa butter for the face is a pleasant remedy for many cosmetic adversities. It will help from wrinkles, save from irritation and baby cream can be made from it. How to get all these effects, read below. Cocoa butter for the face.
Benefits of cocoa butter for the face
Like any other product, the benefits of cocoa butter for the skin are determined by its composition. What does this give us?
- noticeable improvement in elasticity and firmness
- prevent dehydration, as cells store moisture longer
- strengthening cell membranes
- elimination of flaking and dryness
- the noticeable softening
- healing of wounds and cracks
- smoothing out wrinkles
- smoothing out roughness
- accelerated healing of pimples and inflammations
- alignment of the complexion
- removal of age spots
- for sunburn
As you can see, cocoa butter for the face will help with a wide range of problems. It is important to use it regularly to achieve a sustainable result in the fight against wrinkles. Although from irritation, cracks, pimples, sun exposure and other random troubles, it will help literally instantly. Read below to learn how to use it with maximum effect.

Cocoa butter for face application
Cocoa butter is suitable for all skin types. It perfectly moisturizes dry, flaky and age-related skin. Great as a versatile moisturizer for all ages. And the undoubted advantage will be its naturalness. Cocoa butter for the face acts very delicately. It is not addictive and does not change the natural processes inside. For the sensitive and problematic, it will be a real salvation! No wonder it is often included in recipes for baby cream. It is also suitable for oily skin. Especially important is its delicate hydration.
Like any other cocoa butter, it can cause clogged pores. To avoid this, do not forget about cleaning. For example, you can use scrubs and tonics.I
In pure form
In its pure form, this product is perfect as a day or night cream. Or it can be applied under the cream to enhance its effect. Cocoa butter is also a good base for makeup. It is convenient to use due to its hardness. It melts when you touch the skin. This adds a massage effect to the process. Especially if you apply it along the lymphatic drainage lines. At the same time, there is no need to wash off the oil. But if you think that it is too much, you can blot the excess with a dry cloth. You can apply cocoa butter to any area of the face:
- around the eyes
- on the lips
- eyelashes
- eyebrows to increase their density and brightness of color

Face mask with cocoa butter
Face mask with cocoa butter will be effective at any age and from any problems. The main thing is to add the right component to it, which will enhance its useful effect. Below you will find several recipes for any occasion.
From pimples
Ingredients such as tea tree ether, clay, calendula, and chamomile will help in the fight against pimples, inflammation, and acne. Use one of the following recipes.
black or blue clay 2 tablespoons, chamomile broth 2 tablespoons, cocoa butter 1 teaspoon, tea tree essential oil 10 drops
First, we dilute the clay with water. Then add the remaining ingredients. Apply to cleansed skin. Do not let the composition completely harden, so as not to pull off and damage the surface and structure of the dermis.
In its pure form, you can apply cocoa butter to irritated and inflamed areas. They’ll heal faster. The redness will go away.
Сocoa butter for the face from wrinkles
From wrinkles, cocoa butter will help well in its pure form in the early stages. If the wrinkles are already deep enough, additional components and masks are needed.
vitamins A and E, sour cream or heavy cream 1 tablespoon, sandalwood ether 5 drops, cocoa butter for the face 1 teaspoon
Butter must first be melted in a water bath or in a microwave. Then add the remaining ingredients and apply to the face for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.
Mask with rose hips
take 1 tsp of rosehip oil, olive oil, cocoa and castor oil, 1/2 tsp of fish oil, vitamins A and E
This mixture is applied to the cleansed face for 15-20 minutes and then remove the remnants with a dry cloth. The mixture is perfect for face massage.

Сocoa butter for the face to soothe the skin
To relieve irritation, redness, itching and other unpleasant symptoms, cocoa butter for the face is mixed with vitamin A. it is Better to choose the latter on an oil basis, so that it is easier to mix the ingredients. You can also add a little calendula or coconut oil. You can wash off the composition with a decoction of chamomile. It also has a calming effect.
To heal any damage
Cocoa butter accelerates regeneration processes. It will be effective and pure. Although you can also add vitamins a and E. And eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil. It will promote deeper penetration of components and disinfection.
Brightening face mask
Take a medium tomato. Remove the skin and grind the pulp with a blender. Add cornstarch 1/2 tablespoon and cocoa butter heated in a water bath 1/2 tablespoon should get the consistency of a mush. Apply to cleansed face for 20 minutes. Then wash off with a decoction of chamomile.
From the sun
For protection from the sun, you can mix 1 teaspoon of cocoa butter with 2 teaspoons of coconut oil. And apply immediately before going out in the sun. This mixture will serve not only as a light filter. It will moisturize and soothe the skin preventing the appearance of unpleasant symptoms of prolonged exposure to the sun.
Face cream with cocoa butter
Cocoa butter for the face is excellent for creating creams due to its consistency. By diluting it with more liquid components, you can create the desired density according to your preference. Therefore, focus on the proposed recipes and at the same time take into account your own tastes.
1 tablespoon cocoa butter, 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil, 1 teaspoon macadamia, 1 teaspoon fish oil, 5 drops geranium or sandalwood essential oil
The resulting mixture is applied 1-2 times a day on a cleansed face. Can be used under makeup and as a cream. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator.

Mask with cocoa butter and almond oil for the face
cocoa butter for the face-1 tablespoon, almond oil-2 tablespoons, lavender oil-3-5 drops
The first two oils are mixed in a water bath. Then remove, allow to cool slightly and add a few drops of lavender. Mix well with a wooden spoon. The product is ready! It is better to store this composition in the refrigerator or in a cool place.
Cream for oily skin with cocoa butter
1 tablespoon grape seed oil, 1 teaspoon cocoa butter, 1 teaspoon aloe Vera gel
Instruction manual
Mix everything in a water bath until completely mixed. Then pour it into a clean jar. It is better to store this composition in the refrigerator.
Lip balm
1 teaspoon each of beeswax, almond and cocoa butter
All in a water bath and pour into tubes for lipstick. You can add a pinch of cinnamon or its essential oil. It turns out a pleasant healing balm.

Facial scrub
Face scrubs clean from dirt, remove excess fat, and narrow the pores. Another advantage of scrubs is the removal of dead particles. This helps to speed up the growth of new cells, renew the skin and smooth out wrinkles.
fine ground coffee, cocoa butter for the face
Melt 2-3 tablespoons of oil in a water bath, add the same amount of ground coffee. Pour into a mold for soap or ice. For cleansing, massage a piece of wet skin for 2-3 minutes. Wash off with warm and cool water. You can also use ice cubes from chamomile broth.
The recipe for the scrub
ground oatmeal 2 tablespoons, cocoa butter 1 tablespoon, 5-8 drops of tea tree essential oil
The cooking technology is the same as in the previous recipe. These scrubs are great for all skin types. They will help in the fight against wrinkles and pimples. Delicate care will significantly improve the condition of the skin.
How to use cocoa butter for the face decide for yourself, based on individual preferences.