How to attract attention: 7 ways that everyone can use

How to attract attention: 7 ways that everyone can use

Man is a social being, and the need for attention is inherent in nature itself. Who may need more attention to their person? Most likely, to someone who sets quite specific goals for himself. For example, to inspire others with an idea, to earn more. Often, achieving these goals depends on a person’s expertise, reputation, and popularity. and this, in turn, is determined by how much a person is disposed to receive social evidence of their importance, to communicate with other people. How to attract attention: 7 ways that everyone can use.

We will always identify a bright charismatic person by nonverbal language-the language that our bodies speak and which is much older than the more familiar way of communication – speech.

Scientists have found that up to 90% of the information we get is “reading” it using body language.

Everyone can remember cases when a large crowd of people attracted the attention of people of a certain behavior. As soon as they entered the room, the crowd turned to look at them. The audience read the information that the human body sent: an open, friendly pose, a welcoming smile.

How to attract attention: 7 ways that everyone can use
How to attract attention: 7 ways that everyone can use pixabay

Nonverbal means of communication can be divided into four groups: How to attract attention: 7 ways that everyone can use.

1. Expressive movements – gait, facial expressions, posture, gestures.
2. Visual contact – frequency and duration of visual interaction, direction of view.
3. Tactile movements – use of the organs of touch. This includes handshakes, kisses, and touching various parts of the other person’s body.
4. Movement in space – distance with the interlocutor, orientation, place at the table.

It is through these non-verbal means that we transmit the information we want to broadcast to the audience. And it is this information that either attracts attention or remains insignificant for the audience.

Charismatic, attention-grabbing people are usually friendly and benevolent. Their friendliness is expressed in their gestures, in their posture, in the energy they radiate, how they present themselves, what they say with their body language. We see them as energetic, confident, friendly people who smile, are willing to make contact, and their body language is open.

How to attract attention: 7 ways that everyone can use
Photo by Lloyd Dirks on Unsplash

The question arises: can all people be like this?

Yes, it depends on the internal state, how confident a person is and how important new contacts are to him. This is translated into the external environment by body language and read by other people. A confident pose, an open smile, and adjustment of the body position to the orientation in the space of the interlocutor helps to attract attention.

Why can’t everyone do it? First of all, because inside they are not ready for this yet, they have a lot of fears, they are not disposed to communicate. Otherwise, when a person is looking for communication, it can be seen by their behavior, body language.

bright personality
bright personality pixabay

What advice can I give to those who want to attract attention?

1. First of all, be an open, sincere person. Feigned interest in the interlocutor – causes irritation and does not encourage further communication.
2. Calling the other person by name, you will certainly be different from those who do not remember any names or important details for a person.
3. Use in the conversation of gestures, unobtrusive soft touch tilting in the direction of your opponent.
4. Be a positive conversationalist. Agree, gossip, negative emotions, complaints about life can attract attention, but not what you expect.
5. Be interested in the person you are talking to and ask questions. For example, a new friend, a manager at a meeting, a speaker at a conference, etc.
6. Take the initiative, be ready to solve the problem, and take responsibility.
7. Be able to Express your thoughts clearly-simply, succinctly and to the point.

Often, shocking others with their appearance, demeanor, and controversial judgments helps to attract attention. But usually such interest is short-lived and quickly bored. it will be much more effective to show yourself as a person with personal qualities worthy of attention.

Successful people are able to establish eye contact, can talk to a stranger as if they have known him for many years. But you are not born with these skills. The art of communication, including body language, can and should be learned to attract attention to yourself, your thoughts and ideas. It is not difficult to attract attention, but for successful interaction between people, it is important to create an atmosphere of goodwill, sincere interest and comfort.

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