Features of the interior from Tiffany.5 ideas for home interior Tiffany style.
The interior in a modern Tiffany style requires the use of natural materials. The use of different types of wood, marble and high-quality silk is encouraged. At the same time, a certain color is also chosen: Tiffany’s style is natural colors (all shades of green, beige and brown color scheme, white). 5 ideas for home interior Tiffany style.
1. A combination of simplicity and elegance;
2. lots of open spaces, no clutter;
3. Respectability, apparent high cost;
4. Comfort, high functionality;
5. lack of excess and abundance of decor;
6. Enabling advances in new technologies;
7. Use of applied art;
8. A combination of pastel tones and bright accents.

The interior must contain smooth lines, and its composition must be stripped of symmetry. In the photos of similar designs, this natural shift of the center is clearly visible.
When choosing a wall finish, give preference to smooth materials. Wallpaper or paint can be used, but not plaster. The range of Tiffany’s style is often made up of pastel tones, but the accents in the interior are placed using a dark color. The color Tiffany, like other shades of turquoise, is obtained by mixing green and blue. It is very beautiful, mint, associated with luxury, elegance, refinement.
Designers advise you to design the floor using parquet or stone of light shades. The number of carpets used in the interior should be minimal, and they should not cover most of the floor.
Lighting and decor
When choosing a Tiffany style room, be sure to take care of proper lighting. Multiple light sources are welcome. These are sconces, chandeliers, floor lamps, spots. When choosing furniture, you need to focus on those items and headsets that are devoid of sharp lines and angles.
In the interior of Tiffany, forged products look great, and bronze or gilding is often chosen as the finish. The style does not forbid the use of furniture made of precious wood or even stone.
Choosing interior decor items, give preference to floral patterns and drawings. These themes can be reflected in paintings and panels on walls, in textiles. You can also choose wallpaper for walls with the appropriate pattern.
Ideal in the interior of Tiffany look large mirrors or photos and panels in mirror frames. It is appropriate to design using individual forged elements on fireplaces and stairs. Tiffany’s style is also stained glass with mosaics. You can use these decorative elements to decorate any room in the house, including the kitchen.

Design in the turquoise color
If you do not like flashy colors in the interior and at the same time do not want to feel bored when looking at pastels, then you should use turquoise in the design. It is perceived as soft and gentle, but at the same time reflects the depth of Tiffany’s style in the interior.
The design, sustained in this color, always attracts the eye and causes a feeling of complete harmony. Turquoise can be wallpaper or paint for walls, furniture, chandeliers, textiles, accessories. You can use this color to highlight any area in the interior of the room.

To enhance the effect of Tiffany’s style, you can use the right combination of turquoise with other colors. Designers often use black, brown, dark green, silver-purple, red-brown for this purpose. Turquoise is wonderfully combined with milk, white, yellow, and perfectly combined with its related blue color, starting from the sky and ending with a rich bottle.
If you do not want to change the color of the walls or buy new furniture for the purpose of implementing the Tiffany style in the finished interior, you can use turquoise for accents. On a pastel or achromatic background, turquoise vases, lamps, sofa cushions, curtains, and tablecloths will become bright touches.
Tiffany style is also a combination of modern details with vintage things – frames, vases, paintings, watches. Use in the interior can be French stucco and necessarily-a table lamp or floor lamp. A distinctive sign of the Tiffany style is a lot of paintings, panels and photos on the walls. Black and white stripes are often found in textiles.

Tiffany’s style can be described as interesting and does not tolerate fakes. Forged elements, stained glass windows, vintage items and a specific range of colors make the interior unique and memorable. 5 ideas for home interior Tiffany style.