Homemade marshmallows are the most popular sweets in the apple season. But if you beat the mass well enough for the first dessert and dry it correctly, then the exact weight of the ingredients, the temperature of the syrup, and the quality of the whipped mass are important for making marshmallows. Quick Master Class 14: Homemade marshmallows.
But if you know all the subtleties and follow the instructions, even at home you can cook a very delicious natural marshmallow. For the classic version, we use apples, and if you add berry puree, we get an incredibly delicious dessert of a beautiful rich color. The main thing is to master a good basic recipe. We will share it with you today. See our detailed master class and tips!
Homemade apple marshmallows. Quick Master Class 14: Homemade marshmallows.
An infinitely delicious treat that just melts in your mouth.
for 10 servings
Applesauce 8.82 oz (6-8 apples)
Sugar 14.82 oz
Agar-agar 1 teaspoon
Water 1/2 cup
Egg whites 1 pc
Powdered sugar 3.53 oz
Cooking method:
Prepare the apples. Remove the core, cut in half, place on a baking sheet and bake at 356F for 30-40 minutes. The apples should become very soft inside.
Remove the apples from the oven, remove the pulp from each fruit and rub it through a sieve or colander. You should get a thick puree. Depending on the size of the apples, the puree may turn out a little more, it is necessary to prepare marshmallows according to this recipe . Puree should be well cooled in the refrigerator.
While the applesauce is cooling, prepare the syrup. Pour agar-agar into a saucepan with a volume, pour in water, mix well. Add the sugar and put it on the fire. When the sugar is completely dissolved and the syrup begins to boil, turn down the heat and continue to boil the liquid. It is important to make sure that the syrup does not run away.

Immediately after boiling the syrup, start whipping applesauce and egg white. First, the speed should be low, and then increase the speed.
Next, you need to check the readiness of the syrup. If you have a cooking thermometer, insert it into a saucepan and continue to cook the syrup until the temperature becomes 230F. At this temperature, the syrup is ready. If you do not have a thermometer, you can make a sample on the thread. When the syrup flows down from the spoon with a thread, like liquid honey, it is ready.
When the syrup is ready, increase the speed of whipping the mass to the maximum and pour in a thin stream of hot liquid. Continue to beat, the mass will lighten and increase in volume. Here it is very important to beat it to a state of stable peaks. The mass should be airy and dense.
Prepare a surface covered with baking paper or a silicone mat. As well as a nozzle and a pastry bag. Fill the bag with the whipped mass and put the dessert blanks on paper or a mat.
To stabilize, you need to leave the marshmallows for at least 10 hours, you can for longer. After that, remove the marshmallow halves from the surface, combine and roll in powdered sugar. Shake off excess powder. Have a nice tea party!
On a note
If you use ready-made children’s applesauce, be sure to boil it. The puree should be kept on a spoon. Also, if the apples are very juicy, wipe the puree and boil.
It is important to separate the egg white so that not a drop of yolk or fat gets into it.
You can plant the blanks using any attachments, but more often cooks use the “star” nozzle.
If the applesauce is not thick enough or you do not dry the marshmallows well, drops of moisture in the grooves may appear on it during storage.
Store the finished marshmallows in an airtight box at room temperature for about 1 week.
Blackcurrant marshmallow. Quick Master Class 14: Homemade marshmallows.
Homemade marshmallows are much more tender, airy and “berry”. It is ideal for gifts, because from one “batch” you get a lot of marshmallows — you just need to find beautiful boxes and give them to friends and colleagues!

for 10 servings
For marshmallow mass black currant 21.16 oz
Agar-agar teaspoon
Water 1/2 cup
Sugar 21.16 oz
Egg whites 1 pc.
For collapsing:
Powdered sugar 3.53 oz
Corn starch 2 tablespoons
Sort the berries and wash them. Put it in the bowl of a blender and punch it properly. Then rub the resulting mass through a sieve. As a result, we will get a completely homogeneous mass.
Bring the berry, homogeneous mass to a boil and over low heat, stirring, get rid of excess moisture. In the process of boiling, the puree will become thicker and more viscous. Boil for 10 minutes.
Next, add 7.0 oz sugar to the hot puree, mix until the sugar is completely dissolved and leave to cool. It should cool down to room temperature. When the berry puree has cooled, transfer it to the bowl of the mixer.
Prepare the protein from 1 egg. Remember that you need to separate the protein carefully — not a drop of yolk, moisture or fat should get into the protein.
Let’s do sugar syrup. Pour water into a saucepan and add agar-agar. Bring to a boil and boil for 1 minute, stirring the mixture. Next, add the remaining 14.11 oz sugars.
Bring to a boil while stirring. Until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture has not boiled, you can and should stir, as soon as the mixture has boiled, you can not stir. Place a cooking thermometer in a saucepan and monitor the temperature. It is necessary to cook the syrup on a fire above average to a temperature of 230 F.
As soon as the syrup boils, add the protein to the berry puree and, starting from low rpm, start whipping the mixture. It will begin to increase in volume and turn white.
The closer the syrup temperature is to 230 F, the higher the mixer speed should be. By the time the syrup is ready, the berry mass should become voluminous and noticeably turn white.
Without turning off the mixer, start pouring the syrup into the whipping puree in a thin stream. It is necessary to pour along the wall of the bowl, but it is better to pour into the space between the bowl and the moving whisk, then the syrup will not spray, and all of it will fall into the mass.

If the syrup is cooked correctly, it will be completely homogeneous, transparent and “fluid”. When all the syrup has been poured, beat the mass for another 5-7 minutes. The marshmallow mass should noticeably increase in volume.
The finished marshmallow mass is very airy and dense. Look, it hardly falls off the whisk of the mixer. This is a perfectly whipped mass. The finished mass should be immediately transferred to bags and begin to plant marshmallows. How to do it beautifully — just train.
Now zephyr needs peace. Leave it for at least 16 hours, preferably for a day. My marshmallow stabilized very quickly, literally in 10 hours. What does “stabilized” mean? This means that it has become elastic when pressed, slightly sticky and holding its shape well.
Prepare a mixture of powdered sugar with starch. Remove the halves of marshmallows from the mats (or paper), combine in pairs and roll in a sugar-starch mixture. The excess must be removed.
That’s it, the marshmallow is ready. It is advisable to transfer the marshmallows already rolled in powdered sugar and starch at room temperature into one layer and leave for final stabilization for 3-4 hours. You need to store marshmallows at room temperature in an elegant box. Bon Appetit!