Growing aromatic herbs in your kitchen is quite unusual, creative, and most importantly, very useful hobby. First, these plants have a pronounced anti-bacterial properties that greatly improve the quality of the air in the room. Secondly, they can serve us not only as a spicy Supplement to dishes and drinks, but also as medicines for certain ailments. Well, do not forget that the cultivation of such plants will give your kitchen a special, cozy and homely design. 7 Secrets of growing aromatic herbs in the kitchen.
Of course, not every spicy herb is suitable for growing at home. It all depends on the requirements of plants to light, heat and watering. It is best to choose plants that are relatively undemanding to care for.
Features of growing herbs on the windowsill
Most grasses require loose soil with good throughput. At the bottom of the container, a drainage layer is required, which will absorb excess moisture, and gradually, as necessary, give it back to the roots of plants. Thus, we will not allow the soil to sour, and the roots of plants to rot from waterlogging.
Soil is best purchased in the store. Garden land is too dense and acidified, it may contain pathogenic organisms, and does not have the necessary set of minerals.
When planting plants, the main thing is not to bury the seeds deep, but just lightly sprinkle them with earth. Before sprouting, make sure that the top layer of the earth is moist, especially if it is thyme. If the seeds are small, they can be immediately sown in moist soil, larger seeds should be soaked for several hours in water.
After planting the seeds, the container should be covered with a film or glass to create a greenhouse effect. If there is a strong condensation in the greenhouse, then the film should be removed for a while to ventilate the soil and avoid rotting seeds. After airing the pot again close the film. Finally, the film can be removed when the seedlings hatch.
All herbs, except onions and watercress, should have a long light day. Therefore, the best solution in summer is to place the crops on the windowsill or on the balcony. In winter, plants need additional lighting. In case of lack of light, the plants quickly stretch out and have a small pale green. Basil, almost all types of lettuce, mint, rosemary need good lighting.
For growing herbs at home, when choosing seeds, it is desirable to purchase only early-maturing varieties. It is also necessary to check the release date of seeds, since many herbs quickly lose their germination.
Spicy herbs respond well to spraying and do not like high dryness of the air. Dill, mint and Basil will not give a good harvest if there is a lack of moisture.
It is better to use organic or organic-mineral fertilizers. It is not advisable to exceed the dosage, and for young plants it should be reduced by half the recommended amount.
And remember that in nature, “green caresses the wind”. Therefore, do not put the pots too tightly, there should be air movement between them.
Spicy herbs that are suitable for growing in the kitchen
Dill is the most common green in the kitchen. Since ancient times, it has been used in cooking. Dill stimulates the appetite, relieves stomach upset, calms the nervous system. It is ideal for soups and salads, various vegetable and fish dishes. It can be both dried and frozen. It is stored in the freezer throughout the year. Dill seeds are used in Indian and South American cooking, as well as in canning. Dill is a light-loving plant, and it must be watered regularly.
Parsley, like dill, is suitable for almost all dishes and is compatible with all other spices. Often it is also used to decorate dishes, bringing a fresh look and rich taste to stews, meat and many other products. It is rich in vitamins B, B2 and calcium. Parsley stimulates the kidneys, cleanses the blood and helps digestion. Parsley can be ordinary and curly, but ordinary parsley tastes much richer than curly.
Parsley seeds are slow to germinate, so it is usually purchased for the house Bush in the store or transplanted in the fall in a pot from the garden. Parsley seeds are recommended to be placed in a container with water a day before sowing. When sowing, the seeds should be deepened into the soil and then sprinkled with a small layer of earth. After that, the pots with seedlings should be removed to a dark place and watered every other day. But when the seedlings turn green, the pots can be placed on the windowsill, closer to the light. During the growth period, the soil must always be kept moist, and in winter it is watered moderately.
Basil is a heat-loving plant that belongs to the mint family. The optimal temperature for growing is 82.4F.
Basil is suitable for almost all dishes of Mediterranean cuisine, recommended as salad greens in fresh and dried form, also used in cooking and canning. It increases appetite and has a bactericidal effect.
Basil is a plant that can decorate any kitchen with its juicy green or purple leaves. The crop can be removed by plucking the lower leaves, or pinching the top. The latter method stimulates the formation of lateral shoots and the formation of lush bushes.
Rosemary is a fragrant evergreen shrub with narrow needle-like leaves and blue flowers. The leaves and flowers are used in the preparation of poultry, lamb, pork and veal dishes, both when frying and when baking.
Rosemary contains many essential oils that stimulate the appetite. It will relieve headaches, calm the nervous system, and is an excellent restorative and tonic for General exhaustion. In cosmetics, it is used for fading skin and for strengthening hair.
Rosemary seeds are best planted in moist soil in small pots. The seeds will germinate for about a month. It is important to make sure that the soil is moist, and do not forget to periodically ventilate the crops. It should be noted that self-cultivation from seeds takes quite a long time and can cause some difficulties.
Rosemary is grown in a brightly lit or semi-shady place, away from direct sunlight. Rosemary is drought-resistant, watering as it dries the top layer of soil, watered sparingly in winter
Thyme (thyme) is an evergreen low-growing shrub with small leaves and purple-pink flowers. Thyme has a strong tart aroma and spicy taste. Thyme is best suited to meat, fish and potato dishes. It is also added to tea and liqueurs.
Thyme has a bactericidal, soothing effect.
Thyme seeds, as well as rosemary seeds, are planted in a small pot. Before sowing, moisten the soil with a spray gun, after laying seeds, sprinkle them with soil. Before the first shoots, do not let the upper crust dry out. Water the thyme should be in moderation. Each new watering should be carried out when the soil is already a little dry.
Marjoram is an unpretentious, fast-growing perennial plant. Grow it on a Sunny windowsill, during growth, the soil should always be moistened.
Sliced fresh marjoram leaves are sprinkled on meat and poultry before frying. Marjoram is great with meatballs and fried potatoes. It has a particularly calming and relaxing effect on the stomach lining.
Watercress is an absolutely undemanding plant. It can be grown in the ground or water, in the light or in the shade. Additional illumination is not required. Watercress is very similar in taste to horseradish, and someone a little like radish. Watercress is eaten raw: it is added to salads, sprinkled with sauces, soups, and sandwiches. The plant contains a lot of useful substances and vitamins that help strengthen the immune system. There are different types of watercress: curly, with narrow and ordinary leaves, and they all have different maturation periods.
Leaf mustard is grown as easily as watercress. By the way, you can plant these two plants in one container. You can eat leaf mustard both raw and after heat treatment. For example, as a seasoning for stew.
Mint is one of the most useful perennial plants. With its help, you can restore a healthy sleep, and mint tinctures will help relieve fatigue and nervous tension, has an analgesic and antiseptic effect, its essential oils will help to successfully fight colds. Mint also helps with digestive problems and is very useful for women’s health.
Mint is an unpretentious plant. To grow a house, it needs good lighting and constant watering, fertilizing should be carried out with complex fertilizers once a month. In winter, the plant slows down its growth, which means that the need for frequent feeding and watering is reduced.
Laurel is an evergreen ornamental tree whose leaves have the most useful properties. It can be put both on the South and North side, but of course the southern window Bush will be denser and more lush. The Laurel tree cleanses the air in the room, prevents the formation of fungi and the development of bacteria, and in ancient mythology, Laurel branches were a talisman of the house from all bad things.
Bay leaves are used as a seasoning for first and second courses, and are widely used in canning.
By itself, Laurel has decontaminating and diuretic properties, so it is also used in folk medicine. The leaves are rich in useful substances, acids and essential oils.
Decorative potting. 7 Secrets of growing aromatic herbs in the kitchen.
Decorate the interior will help not only the plants themselves, but also the containers in which they will be grown. With your imagination, you can create an exquisite decor yourself. This hobby will be quite exciting and interesting if you elegantly arrange an installation of plants. You will constantly admire and enjoy, as well as proudly show your friends, relatives, this wonderful home garden on the windowsill, while catching admiring glances. 7 Secrets of growing aromatic herbs in the kitchen.