7 Sweet ways to cure an autumn cold

7 Sweet ways to cure an autumn cold

An autumn cold with a sore throat, an impenetrable runny nose and a feeling of weakness is not the most desirable state of mind and body. But you can also find bright moments in the disease. For example, methods of treatment that can be very pleasant to the taste. 7 Sweet ways to cure an autumn cold.

Figs will return the voice

Dried figs are famous not only for their pleasant taste and rich supply of nutrients. It has powerful antipyretic and expectorant properties, as well as relieves inflammation of the throat and helps to restore the voice in case of a cold. To enhance the effect, figs are also recommended to be combined with milk.

A few dried figs are crushed, pour a glass of milk and put on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the drink from the stove, cool it and add a little butter. It remains to thoroughly beat the milk mixture with a blender and drink the cocktail still warm. The procedure can be repeated before going to bed.

Figs. photo from pixabay

Honey will overcome viruses. 7 Sweet ways to cure an autumn cold.

Honey and milk are a win-win combination for the treatment of colds. Honey effectively fights viruses and harmful bacteria, and also strengthens weakened immunity. Lactobacilli contained in milk protect the gastrointestinal tract, which contains the largest number of immune cells.

A cocktail of these two ingredients will help you quickly say goodbye to the hated disease. Cooking it is very simple. The required amount of milk is heated over low heat, poured into a glass, mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey and a small piece of butter. You need to drink this sweet medicine warm, then wrap yourself in a warm blanket and sweat thoroughly.

Honey. photo from pixabay

Lemon will cheer up the immune system

Lemon is the first assistant for colds. It has rich reserves of vitamin C and P, alkaline elements, organic acids and phytoncides. All this set of useful components will help to bring the immune system to life in the shortest possible time. And to chew sour lemons was not so boring, you can sweeten.

Take a small lemon, extract the bones from it and pass it through a meat grinder along with the zest. Add 2 tablespoons of softened dried apricots, 2 tablespoons of flower honey, 3.53 oz of butter to the lemon pulp and mix thoroughly. The resulting mass should be taken 2 times a day, 1 teaspoon, slowly dissolving. And the drug should be stored in the refrigerator.

Lemon. photo from pixabay

Berry help. 7 Sweet ways to cure an autumn cold.

Add a few berries to citrus fruits – and we will get an effective medicine that instantly softens the symptoms of a cold. For example, cranberries abound in vitamins A, C, K, as well as flavonoids, which have, among other things, an antibacterial effect. Black currant has an antiseptic effect, and its juice helps well with a strong cough.

We pass through a meat grinder a large grapefruit, peeled from bitter skins and seeds, followed by 7.0 oz of frozen cranberries and the same amount of black currant. You can add raspberry jam here. Thoroughly mix the resulting mass, close the lid and insist for a day. After that, you can take medicinal jam three times a day 30 minutes before meals. It is best to store it in the refrigerator in a glass vessel with a tight lid.

Berry. photo from pixabay

Vitamins nuts

Walnuts will also help to overcome colds and patch up exhausted immunity. Mature nuts by october-november are enriched with vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, as well as carotene, tannins, fiber and useful acids. Such an energetic assortment is exactly what you need in the joyless days of illness. Walnut oil treats immunity at the cellular level and increases the body’s resistance to viral diseases.

We pass 7.0 oz of peeled walnut kernels through a meat grinder and add 1/2 cup of lime honey to them. Pour 2 tablespoons of fresh orange juice and the same amount of aloe juice into the resulting mass. Mix the mass thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon throughout the day half an hour before meals.

nuts. photo from pixabay

Banana will get rid of cough

Banana is another powerful anti-cold remedy that can put anyone on their feet. The pulp of the fruit effectively removes unpleasant tickling in the throat and relieves cough – and all this after one or two applications of a special recipe. We will need two large bananas, which we will carefully mash with a fork and pour a glass of water.

Add 2 tablespoons of maple syrup or honey, 3-5 dried clove flowers to the fruit mass, heat over low heat, but do not let it boil. Mix thoroughly and cool the resulting cream. Take it in between meals, as well as when coughing attacks occur. Don’t forget to eat a couple of spoonfuls of banana treats before going to bed. The very next day you will feel a noticeable improvement in your well-being.

Banana. photo from pixabay

Chocolate will soften the sore throat. 7 Sweet ways to cure an autumn cold.

Bitter chocolate can not only lift the mood of a cold patient and charge him with the sounds of happiness, but also significantly speed up the recovery process. This delicacy will help to overcome a prolonged cough and its sudden attacks. All this is thanks to theobromine, an analogue of codeine used in cough syrups. Another substance, thianine, has a powerful antibacterial effect and softens sore throat.

To do this, it is enough to slowly dissolve a piece of chocolate. And it is even better to prepare a delicious medicinal medicine. Melt half a bar of pure bitter chocolate in a water bath, add to it 5 tablespoons of skimmed milk, a little grapefruit juice and a pinch of cinnamon. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and drink the cocktail until it cools down.

Chocolate. photo from pixabay

We hope that our delicious and healthy recipes will help you overcome any autumn ailment and find a wonderful state of health sooner. And even better – do not get sick, strengthen the immune system and enjoy the positive moments of this autumn.