
Sprouts and microgreens in fitness nutrition

Sprouts and microgreens in fitness nutrition

  Microgreens are healthy for everyone who takes care of their health and beauty, including weight. The rich vitamin and mineral composition of microgreens, the concentration of vegetable protein, and the low-calorie content help to improve digestion. As well as metabolism, normalize hormonal balance, and saturate with vital energy without an overabundance of calories. Sprouts

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7 recipes for immune-boosting, healthy drinks with microgreens

7 recipes for immune-boosting, healthy drinks with microgreens

Microgreens contain a record amount of chlorophyll, which saturates us with oxygen. That is why, by adding green seedlings with leaves to our diet, we feel a rise in strength and energy. 7 recipes for immune-boosting, healthy drinks with microgreens. (1)-“Given the current interest in edible plants, this study notably improved our knowledge on the

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Healthy properties of broccoli seedlings and microgreens

Healthy properties of broccoli seedlings and microgreens

Organic broccoli seeds are used to produce microgreens or broccoli seedlings. Elastic, crispy microgreens of broccoli have a mild aroma. It is the sprouts and the first leaves that are saturated with the maximum amount of healthy substances. Healthy properties of broccoli seedlings and microgreens. Healthy properties of broccoli sprouts Broccoli sprouts contain a lot

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3 recipes with delicious and healthy microgreenery

3 recipes with delicious and healthy microgreens

Microgreens are a natural product. The composition of microgreens, along with vitamins and minerals, already includes natural, digestive enzymes that help to assimilate healthy elements completely.3 recipes with delicious and healthy microgreens. Microgreens come in a variety of flavors – from spicy to nutty, lemon? And the list of nutrients contained in these little miracles

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Anti-aging menu for one day with microgreens. Part 5

Anti-aging menu for one day with microgreens. Part 5

A healthy diet affects the state of your mood and changes your attitude to life for the better. You control the portion size, the time at which you eat, and most importantly, what you eat. Anti-aging menu for one day with microgreens. Breakfast #1:  Coconut quinoa pudding Healthy and delicious quinoa groats can be the...

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Anti-aging menu for one day with microgreens. Part 5 Read More »