Everyone knows that for the full development of the body, meat products must be present in the human diet. Rabbit is also a healthy food item. The delicacy has a beneficial effect on the human body. The product provides the body with calcium, which makes the bones stronger. 3 unusual rabbit recipes that are worth trying.
Meat has a positive effect on the skin and the general condition of a person, gives strength, increases endurance, and also leads to rapid recovery after diseases and surgical interventions.
The beautiful half of humanity, who cares about their figure, is often used to limit themselves in many products, preferring rabbit meat. After all, this product has a low degree of caloric content.
Rabbit in tomato sauce, with orange
Today we will cook a rabbit in tomato sauce with potatoes and oranges!
Designed for six servings
Rabbit 34.92oz
Orange 1 pc.
Fresh tomatoes 17.64oz
or tomato juice 3 cups
Potatoes 5 pcs.
Carrot 1 pc.
Onion or shallot 3 pcs.
Garlic 2 cloves
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
Cooking time 1 hour
Prepare products for stewed rabbits in tomato sauce with potatoes, carrots, and onions, as well as with oranges.
How to cook a rabbit in tomato sauce, with orange:
The carcass or individual pieces of rabbit (for example, if you bought only the thighs), cut into portions, wash, and dry. Fry in any oil you prefer, add a couple of bay leaves, a few peas of black or allspice, and salt to taste for more flavor.
Pour a glass of warm water and put the rabbit to simmer, always under the lid and on a very moderate, almost minimal heat, until all the liquid at the bottom of the pan has evaporated. This is about until the rabbit is half-cooked.
Add the chopped onion, garlic, and carrot to the rabbit. Simmer the rabbit with vegetables for another 10 minutes. Pour the contents of the pan with chopped tomatoes or ready-made tomato juice, if necessary, add warm water so that the rabbit pieces are all completely covered with tomato mass. Simmer the rabbit in tomato sauce for 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes, add the potatoes, peeled in advance, and cut into large cubes. Simmer the rabbit with the potatoes for 20 minutes, then add salt if necessary.
At the end of cooking, add orange slices to the stewed rabbit with vegetables. Warm up for another 3-4 minutes, saturating the rabbit with vegetables with the aroma and taste of citrus. Rabbit in tomato sauce, with orange, ready, you can treat yourself to a fragrant and delicious dish!
Rabbit with dried plums (in a slow cooker). 3 unusual rabbit recipes that are worth trying.
This recipe will help you feed your family a very healthy and dietary dish with almost no effort. Rabbit stewed in a slow cooker, with prunes, will become a favorite dish for both adults and children.
Designed for five servings
Rabbit 1 carcass
Onion 1 pc.
Carrot 1 pc.
Tomato sauce 2 tablespoons
Mustard 1 teaspoon
Dried plum (pitted) 3.53
Sour cream 2 tablespoons
Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
Cooking time 2 hours ten minutes
Prepare all the ingredients for cooking rabbit with dried plums. It is better to take a small rabbit. Cut the prepared (washed and dried) carcass into large portions.
In the “Frying” mode, fry the meat in a slow cooker for 30 minutes. Periodically turn it on the other side to the bottom of the bowl of the slow cooker. While the rabbit is roasting, cut the carrots into strips, and the onion into cubes. Add the carrots and onions to the bowl of the slow cooker and continue to fry for another ten minutes.
After the end of the frying mode, add ketchup, sour cream, mustard, spices-salt and pepper, favorite spices, and herbs (optional). Fill the rabbit with boiled water for two-thirds, mix so that the ingredients are evenly distributed, and set the “Stewing” mode for 1.5 hours.
After 1 hour (half an hour before the end of the regime), add the prunes to the bowl.
After another half hour, a fragrant and incredibly delicious rabbit with prunes in a slow cooker is ready. Rabbit stewed with prunes turns out to be very tender with an extraordinary taste and aroma. Bon Appetit!
Rabbit stewed with currant. 3 unusual rabbit recipes that are worth trying.
Prepare a stewed rabbit with currants, and your family will be pleasantly surprised.
Ingredients for 4 servings:
Rabbit meat 21.16oz
Current (red and white) 3.53oz
Onion 1 pc.
Spices (without salt) 2 tablespoons
Salt 1/2 tablespoon
Butter 2.47oz
Cooking time 1 hour
Prepare the ingredients for cooking stewed rabbit with currant. Wash the meat in advance and divide it into small pieces.
How to cook stewed rabbit with currant: Peel, wash, and finely chop the onion. Heat a frying pan and melt the butter. Fry the onion until lightly golden brown.
Add the rabbit meat to the pan and fry over medium heat for 10 minutes. Wash the currants, sort them, remove the stalks, and beat them in a blender.
Rub the current through a sieve and pour over the meat. (I do not recommend adding currants with the seeds, it will only spoil the delicate taste of rabbit meat. Add spices and salt.
Pour in 1 cup of cold water and simmer the rabbit under the lid over medium heat for 35-40 minutes. The stewed rabbit with currant is ready! Bon Appetit!