And why not start your morning with dessert? Delicious homemade desserts.
Minerals, healthy fats, protein, and the right carbohydrates-all this should be present in our food so that the energy balance in the body is not disturbed.
Breakfast is our best friend. And it just has to be not only healthy but also delicious. Like, for example, this coconut dessert with raspberries and mango.
#1. Coconut dessert with raspberries and mango

Ingredients for 1 serving:
Coconut milk of normal fat content (about 17%) 1/2 cup
Raspberries (can be frozen) 3 tablespoons
Almonds 2 tablespoons
Chia seeds 1 tablespoon
Mango pulp 1/2 of the fruit
How to make a coconut dessert:
Cooking time 15 minutes
In a blender, combine the coconut milk, almonds, and raspberries until smooth.
Add the chia and stir at a low speed for a few seconds just so that the seeds are evenly distributed in the coconut mass.
Put the mass in a glass or other dish, cover it with cling film, and put it in the refrigerator until tomorrow. In the morning, cut the mangoes and sprinkle them over the breakfast dessert.
If desired: you can add a little vanilla to the coconut mass when blending.
This breakfast is prepared on the evening of the previous day. Therefore, in the morning, you will only have to enjoy this dessert. Bon Appetit!
#2. Homemade cakes with berries and almonds. Delicious homemade desserts.
But it will be better if the sweets on your table are at least self-made and just fine if they are made from useful “live” ingredients. I offer you a healthy dessert-homemade cake with berries.
This dessert is rich in vitamin E, which:
it is absolutely necessary for all functions of the immune system;
it is an antioxidant;
it stands guard over our beauty-it moisturizes the skin and mucous membranes.

Ingredients for 8 pieces:
We measure everything with a measuring cup for liquids.
peeled sunflower seeds 1 cup
almonds 1 cup almonds
coconut oil 2 tablespoons
pitted dates 8 pcs
salt to taste
water 1/2 cup
For the cream:
Ripe bananas 2 pcs
Ripe avocado 1 piece
Vanilla powder 2 teaspoons
Water 2 tablespoons
How to make homemade cakes:
Cooking time 25 minutes
Make flour from seeds and nuts (in a blender, food processor, or coffee grinder)
, mix with the remaining ingredients and mix in a blender/combine until smooth
Take the forms for tartlets or muffins (ceramic, iron, or silicone) and lay them with food wrap.
Divide the dough evenly into the molds, pressing them with a spoon or hand against the walls to make a cup.
Put them in the freezer for 15 minutes while you prepare the vanilla cream
Cream: mix all the ingredients in a blender until smooth.
Remove the molds from the freezer, and from the molds-the resulting baskets. Pour any fresh berries into them, and pour the cream on top.
IMPORTANT: Despite the healthy ingredients, this is still a dessert rich in sugars. Therefore, I advise you not to get carried away, but to limit yourself to 2 servings per week. Bon Appetit!
#3. Muffins without sugar, gluten, and milk. Delicious homemade desserts.
There is no sugar, gluten, or even milk in muffins. This is the rare sweetness that you can eat with an absolutely clear conscience (within reasonable limits!). They are full of fiber, healthy fats, and vitamins. They are the best salvation for people who are struggling with sugar addiction from different cookie-chocolate bars.
They are suitable for both a snack and a dessert. Their undeniable plus — you can bake a lot of pieces in advance, freeze and pull out carefully, one per day. These muffins have a low glycemic index, and they are satisfying.

Ingredients for 12 small muffins without sugar, milk, and gluten:
Almonds 7.0oz
Flaxseed 2 tablespoons
Small coconut chips 3 tablespoons
Gluten-free oatmeal (you can do without it, if there is none, or if you want to further reduce the glycemic index of muffins) 2 tablespoons
Baking powder 1 teaspoon
Coconut oil at room temperature (can be replaced with butter) 2 tablespoons
Ripe banana 1 piece
Large apple 1 piece
Eggs 3 pcs
Salt to taste
Paper or silicone muffin molds
Making muffins:
Cooking time 40 minutes
Preheat the oven to degrees Celsius.
In a blender or food processor, grind the almonds, flaxseeds, and oatmeal until you get coarse flour.
Add the baking powder, salt, and coconut flakes, and mix again in a blender.
Rub the apple on a coarse grater, and break the banana into 3-4 parts. Put the fruit and eggs with butter in the almond mixture and mix well in a blender until smooth.
Place the paper molds in an iron muffin tin and spoon the dough into them so that it fills the molds 3/4 full.
Put in the oven on the “Ventilation” mode and bake for 25-30 minutes until ready (when piercing, the dough should not remain on the match). Cool down and eat to your heart’s content.
For storage and freezing, I wrap each muffin in plastic wrap. So it is more convenient to store them and get them strictly one by one per day. Bon Appetit!