An unusual nutritious smoothie with an invigorating coffee aroma will make a wonderful breakfast or even a full-fledged dessert. A thick base of bananas, yogurt and coffee is perfectly combined with tender curd and coconut balls. Great start to the day! Banana-coffee smoothie with coconut balls.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and waking up to make a nutritious and delicious breakfast smoothie recipe will be a great meal choice that will energize you for the whole day.
Smoothies are prepared in a blender, the main ingredients are fruits and berries with the addition of dairy products and juices. Great smoothies for weight loss, they can serve as a light breakfast and replace the usual snack.
Benefits of smoothies for the body:
If a person is not used to eating fresh fruits and vegetables, then a smoothie is a great substitute for them;
the simplicity and speed of preparation. To make a healthy cocktail, you only need a good blender, fresh fruit or vegetables, and a few minutes of time;
low calorie content allows you to use smoothies for weight loss;
low sugar content. Of course, if you use only natural fruits and vegetables in the manufacturing process without adding sugar to them. In extreme cases, you can add a little honey-it will improve the taste and benefit;
the presence of fiber in the drink stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, as the pulp of fruits and vegetables remains in the smoothie;
detox cocktails can cleanse the body of harmful toxins;
the ability to combine in a smoothie those components that a person uses reluctantly. There are few people who like spinach or celery, and in a cocktail the taste of these vegetables is masked by other, more pleasant components;
it strengthens the general state of health, gives a boost of energy, increases the immune system, and enriches with vitamins.

Designed for two servings
For smoothies:
Banana 1 PC
Yogurt 8.82oz
Coffee (ground) 1 teaspoon
Water 3 tablespoons
Ground cinnamon to taste
For balls:
Cottage cheese 2 tablespoons
Coconut flakes 1 tablespoon
Ripe banana (optional) 1 PC
For decoration:
Cocoa powder 1/2 teaspoon
Instruction:. Banana-coffee smoothie with coconut balls.
Cooking time 20 minutes
1. Prepare the grocery list.
If desired, you can keep the banana in the freezer for 15-30 minutes before cooking.
2. Peel the Banana and cut it into slices.
3. In a saucepan or coffee pot, bring to 6 tablespoons of water. Add a teaspoon of ground coffee and cook over low heat for 1-2 minutes. Then strain the freshly brewed coffee through a sieve and cool.
4. Combine yogurt, coffee, banana and a pinch of ground cinnamon in a blender bowl. Beat until smooth. If desired, add sugar (to taste).
5. Combine cottage cheese with coconut shavings and form small balls.
If the curd is too dry and the mass does not hold its shape, add the crushed ripe banana.
6. Pour the coffee smoothie with banana into serving containers, dip the curd and coconut balls, and lightly Sprinkle cocoa powder on top.
Bon Appetit!