Scented herbs on the kitchen windowsill? It’s not difficult at all! With such a green garden, your kitchen will become an interesting place for new culinary ideas, and fresh leaves will help you use spice bags less often. Let’s take a closer look at how to organize your own garden in the kitchen, and what plants to choose for it. 5 tips for decorating your kitchen with plants.
Anyone who once feels the smell of fresh herbs in the kitchen will not be able to imagine cooking for a long time without this unique aroma! Their notes quickly master the entire room, turning the house into a more peaceful and green place.
A home garden on the windowsill is not only a way to enrich the taste Of your dishes,but also a good idea for a refreshing and effective element of the kitchen interior. Herbs such as Basil, coriander or oregano are easy to grow – with our recommendations, you will quickly understand this issue and invite a fragrant, green set of plants to your kitchen!
Herbs and herbs can be grown directly in the kitchen. Today we will tell you how to organize green decor and make it a stylish part of the kitchen interior.
What to plant in the kitchen?
For green decor, herbs that can be found in any garden are suitable. The most unpretentious plants are parsley, dill and green onions. They do not suffer from a lack of light and are resistant to temperature changes. Also suitable for growing at home: celery, Basil, watercress, marjoram, rosemary, thyme, cucumber grass and wheat germ. This green has a good aroma and has an attractive appearance, and also gives dishes interesting flavors.
How to grow green decor? 5 tips for decorating your kitchen with plants.
You can sow seeds or plant roots in ceramic, plastic or metal pots. It is not recommended to use wooden ones, as they will eventually deteriorate from moisture. Greens look creative in cups and glasses, tin cans of tea or canned fruit, in glass jars and faceted glasses. It is important to use small decorative buckets for seedlings, which today you can buy in any store for creativity and decor.
Where to place it?5 tips for decorating your kitchen with plants.
One of the most common options is to put pots with plants on the windowsill. For greenery, you can build several hinged open shelves, as long as natural light falls on them. If there are not many pots, they can be conveniently placed on the kitchen table. It is functional and stylish to place buckets with greens on regular rails or hooks. You can attach pots or jars of plants to a wooden board and sign them.
Everyone has their own name
For convenience, you need to sign pots of herbs. Some of them are similar, and not all are able to distinguish spices by the shape of the leaves. To do this, you will need sticks, slate stickers, chalk, markers. With cute captions, the green decor looks even more attractive.
What herbs to choose for the kitchen?
when Choosing plants for your corner of the garden, follow your preferences. What spices do you use most often? What are the main dishes on your menu? Remember that herbs in cooking do not require special care – in most cases, it is enough that you take care of their regular watering. Choose the plants that have the most pleasant taste and aroma.
Live plants in the interior always look beautiful, and now it is also fashionable! Do not forget about the benefits of herbs, they are an environmentally friendly vitamin Supplement to your table all year round!