These delicate little sprouts contain much more vitamins and essential elements for the body than adult plants. Thanks to the simplicity of cultivation, you can please yourself and your loved ones with fresh sprouts at any time of the year. Just a small bunch of sprouts in a salad or on a sandwich will give them an original taste, but also a significant benefit. In our time, microgreen has become very popular all over the world. 3 healthy recipes from vegetables and microgreens.
Potatoes baked with pumpkin, onion, and cheese. 3 healthy recipes from vegetables and microgreens.
This dish will perfectly fit into your everyday menu, and a bright sweet pumpkin will make baked potatoes with onions much more interesting and nutritious. Before baking, leave the pumpkin and potatoes for 10-15 minutes in a mixture of butter and olive oil, garlic, provencal herbs, and grated cheese so that the vegetables will be more flavorful.

Designed for four servings
Potatoes 10.58oz
Pumpkin 8.82oz
Onion 5.29oz
Hard cheese 2.47oz
Olive oil 3 tablespoons
Butter 1.76oz
Garlic 1 clove
Dried herbs of provence 2 teaspoons
Sol1/2 teaspoons
Ground black pepper to taste
Microgreen parsley 2 tablespoons
Cooking time one hour ten minutes
Prepare all the ingredients.
Pumpkin is better to take an oblong shape, without the inner part with seeds, it is convenient to cut it into circles.
Take the butter at room temperature. Peel the pumpkin from the hard skin, rinse it, and cut it into circles. Peel the potatoes, wash them, and cut them into thin slices.
Prepare a fragrant sauce. Melt the butter in any way (in the microwave, in a water bath, or over a hot plate). In a bowl, mix the butter and olive oil. Add the herbs of Provence, salt, and black pepper to the oil and squeeze out the peeled garlic. Mix everything together. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. set aside 1/3 of the cheese. Add the remaining cheese to the sauce and mix well.
In a food bag or bowl, combine the potatoes, pumpkin, and sauce. Tie (close) the bag, stir, and leave to marinate for 10-15 minutes.
Turn on the oven to preheat to 356F. Peel the onion, wash it, and cut it into thin slices. In a baking dish, put the potatoes and pumpkin together with the sauce, alternating them with onion circles. Spread the remaining sauce evenly on top.
Send the vegetables to bake in the oven. Bake the pumpkin and potatoes for 40-45 minutes, until soft. Then remove the mold, sprinkle the remaining cheese on the vegetables, and return to the oven for another 3 minutes, so that the cheese melts.
Potatoes baked with pumpkin, onion, and cheese are ready. The finished dish, if desired, sprinkle with micro-green parsley and serve to the table. Bon Appetit!
Cauliflower baked in the marinade. 3 healthy recipes from vegetables and microgreens.
The original recipe for cooking cauliflower. The cabbage is first marinated a little in yogurt with soy sauce and mustard, and then baked in the oven.

Designed for two servings
Cauliflower 14.11oz
Soy sauce 2 tablespoons
Natural yogurt 2 tablespoons
French mustard 1 teaspoon
Garlic 2 cloves
Micro-green 2 tablespoons
Paprika 3 teaspoons
Onion 1 pc.
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
Cooking time one hour
We prepare products for cauliflower baked in marinade.
How to cook cauliflower baked in the marinade:
Frozen cauliflower is thawed at room temperature. Peel the cauliflower from the top leaves. If the cabbage is large, we disassemble it into inflorescences. Add the onion peeled from the upper husk to the cabbage and cut it into half rings.
In the natural yogurt, chop the garlic. Add mustard, soy sauce, and paprika to the yogurt and garlic. Mix thoroughly.
Pour the dressing over the cauliflower and onion. Mix thoroughly. Leave aside to marinate for 30 minutes.
We take the foil and fold it in half. In the middle of the foil, spread the pickled cauliflower with onions. Close the foil and put the dish in the oven. Cook for 30 minutes at a temperature of 392F.
Serve the cauliflower, baked in a yogurt-mustard marinade, directly in the foil. The microgreen is thoroughly washed under running water, we sort it out. We sprinkle and decorate the prepared delicious dish with micro-greenery. Bon Appetit!
Zucchini with cheese, nuts, and rosemary. 3 healthy recipes from vegetables and microgreens.
Zucchini with cheese is very tasty. Complement the cheese filling with aromatic herbs and nuts, experimenting each time.

Ingredients for 2 servings:
Zucchini 2 pcs.
Cheese 1.76oz
Walnuts 1/2 cup
Microgreen 3 tablespoons
Olive oil for baking sheet 2 tablespoons
Cooking time 30 minutes
Prepare the ingredients for zucchini with nuts and cheese: young zucchini or zucchini, hard or semi-hard cheese, sprigs of fresh rosemary, and walnuts.
How to cook zucchini with cheese and nuts: For the filling, chop and mix the cheese, walnut kernels, and rosemary leaves.
The consistency of the mass – as you wish: in small pieces or uniformly pasty. Zucchini (young together with the peel and core) cut crosswise into circles. Place the zucchini on a greased baking sheet with olive oil. Place them in the oven, preheated at 392F.
After about ten minutes, take out the baking sheet, turn the zucchini on the other side, and place a portion of the fragrant cheese filling on each one (on its toasted part). Return the baking sheet to the oven until the filling melts and browns.
Zucchini baked with a filling of cheese, rosemary, and nuts, ready. We decorate them with microgreens. They are delicious both hot and cold. Bon Appetit!