Muffins with Coca-Cola are a very delicious dessert, poured with sweet sauce! These are muffins based on Coca Cola for the test of which the mentioned sweet drink is used. It is he who is the highlight of this baking. Because of Coca-Cola, the dough turns out to be very airy and porous, besides it has a characteristic note of its taste. And the glaze is just a godsend – it is applied easily, hardens and becomes glossy and beautiful. Cupcakes with Coca-Cola.
Coca-Cola 1 Cup
Cocoa powder 1/2 Cup
Butter 4 tablespoons
Sugar 1/2 Cup
Brown sugar 1/4 Cup
Wheat flour 1 Cup
Soda 1/2 teaspoon
Salt 1/2 teaspoon
The chicken egg 1 piece
Cooking time 1 hour. Cupcakes with Coca-Cola.
1. Preheat oven to 356 F (180 C) degrees.
2. In a small saucepan, heat Cola, cocoa and butter. Pour sugar. Stir until the butter is melted and sugar has dissolved, then remove from heat and allow to cool.
3. In a bowl mix the flour, salt and soda.
4. In another, beat the egg. Pour the egg into the cooled mixture and mix. Then add the mixture of flour, salt and soda and thoroughly mix.
5. Spread the dough on the baking dish, slightly without adding to the brim. Subsequently, the dough should not go up much. Bake for 25 minutes. Cupcakes will be ready when pressing the core is elastic.
Diet Cola for this recipe is not suitable. Cupcakes can be decorated with cream of peanut butter.
How to make Coca-Cola at home. Cupcakes with Coca-Cola.
The popular Coca-Cola drink can be prepared yourself at home. It will turn out without preservatives and dyes, so it will be much more useful. First you need to prepare the necessary products:
Ingredients.Cupcakes with Coca-Cola.
Water 33.81 fl oz (1 liter)
Orange 2 PCs
Sugar 10.58 oz (300g)
Water with gas 33.81 fl oz (1 liter)
Lime 1 piece Lemon 1 piece
Natural coffee 2 tablespoons
Ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon
Ground coriander 2 teaspoons
Nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon
Vanilla essence.1/2 teaspoon
First, you will need to cook the syrup. The crushed citrus zest should be put in a pan, then add cinnamon, nutmeg and coriander. Fill all the contents with water, add sugar and mix well. The mass should be brought to a boil, then boil for a minute. After that, remove the pan from the fire, pour in the citrus juice and vanilla essence. Everything needs to cool down. You can use it after diluting it with sparkling water. This drink can be stored in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks. Very tasty natural homemade Coca-Cola will be the best substitute for branded store analogues.