Healthy Breakfast 17: Morning mousse with seeds and seasonal herbs

Healthy Breakfast 17: Morning mousse with seeds and seasonal herbs

Green mousse is a great way to add greens to your diet. Many mousse can not replace a full breakfast. Therefore, the option of mousse that can be used as a side dish is to add it to morning eggs, fish or other breakfast. Morning mousse with seeds and seasonal herbs.

In consistency, make it look like jelly, also add pieces of vegetables, herbs, seeds to it-you get a morning soup, porridge, puree, excellent in taste, saturating and varied in consistency. All the ingredients can be replaced, change the ratio, based on the availability of products, your taste preferences.

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Basic principles for the preparation of mousse: Morning mousse with seeds and seasonal herbs.

For saturation, it is important to add a source of protein, for the signal of saturation at the hormonal level-I usually use collagen (you can replace nuts, seeds or pastes from them);

Ffor the consistency of the mousse, it is very healthy to add gelatin (I add about half as much as according to the instructions on the pack of gelatin you need for jelly), gelatin can be replaced with ground flax seeds or chia seeds

It is important to add fat for saturation and absorption of fat-soluble phytochemicals, such as chlorophyll, betacarotene;

Optimize the nutritional richness of herbs / additives such as wood mushroom powder, adaptogens, enzymes, spices such as turmeric, ginger.


Designed for two servings

Herbs (mint, parsley, coriander) 1 cup
Avocado 1 piece
Cucumber 1 piece
Celery 1 stalk
Measuring spoon of collagen and 1/2 tablespoon of gelatin
Olive oil 3 tablespoons
Lemon juice 2 tablespoons
Hot pepper to taste
Salt to taste
Water 1 cup
If desired, you can add ingredients with different textures to the mousse:
sunflower seeds fried in a dry pan until golden brown, avocado slices, chopped greens, finely chopped celery stalk.

Morning mousse with seeds and seasonal herbs
Morning mousse with seeds and seasonal herbs


Cooking time 15 minutes

Combine all ingredients except collagen and gelatin in a blender and beat at high speed until smooth. Try and add to taste the missing ingredients-spices, lemon juice, salt.

Prepare the gelatin according to the instructions. I use gelatin in the form of a powder, just add water and leave for 5-10 minutes until dissolved. If necessary, it can be dissolved over the fire with a quarter/ half cup of water and added at the final stage of preparing the mousse.

Add the collagen and gelatin and mix at a slow speed. It is not recommended to beat them at high speed to avoid damage to the protein structure. If desired, add seeds, herbs, chopped vegetables.

Eat with a spoon — like soup, porridge, mousse! You can add an egg directly to the mousse. Pour the mousse into glasses and put it in the refrigerator for an hour to solidify. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped pistachios and garnish with a mint leaf.

Green smoothies help you lose weight. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of those. who tried the diet on such cocktails. Additional effects from the inclusion of these unusual drinks in the diet-strengthening the immune system, cheerfulness during the day, improving the beauty of the skin and hair, prolonging youth.  Bon Appetit!