8 ways to take care of yourself in the summer

8 ways to take care of yourself in the summer

Summer is a special time. A long daylight day opens up more opportunities and time to replenish the reserve of strength: enjoy nature, fresh air, freedom, travel, sunbathe. And then maintain your optimism and high performance throughout the year. 8 ways to take care of yourself in the summer.

Therefore, during this period it is good to make an action plan for the near future in order to reap generous fruits in the fall. If we compare the beginning of summer with the time of day, then this is the beginning of the day – intensive work, when it’s time to make some decisions. At this time we are full of energy and confidence.

This is the best opportunity to bring bold and healthy actions into your life – a morning run to sweat, a contrast shower, pouring cold water on the street, evening walks, yoga practices and outdoor sports. In general, try something that will give a surge of energy, cheerfulness and good mood without consequences. If you’ve been wanting to try something for a long time, but haven’t dared to leave your comfort zone, summer is the right time to experiment!


Enjoy the sun right
Enjoy the sun right. photos from pixabay

#1.Enjoy the sun right. 8 ways to take care of yourself in the summer.

Do not miss the opportunity to connect to solar energy, absorb it with every cell, charge your inner sun, let it shine “always and everywhere” and not depend on circumstances.
The sun gives us the vitamin D necessary for life, joy and a beautiful tan. So don’t be afraid of the sun, but follow the rules. You can soak up the sun in the morning and in the late afternoon. This does not mean that you do not need to walk during the day – just look for shade. Don’t forget about sunscreens.

#2. Just add water

Water balance is the basis of well–being. Drink plenty of clean water at room temperature. Take a stylish reusable bottle with you to the office or for a walk and do not forget to refill it whenever possible. Water helps all organs to function normally, so try to quench your thirst as soon as you feel it.

Just add water
Just add water. photos from pixabay

A few drops of lime, berries or a little crushed mint will help make the water tastier. But it’s better to forget about tea, coffee, store juices and lemonades with sugar. They dehydrate the body even more.

#3.Eat fresh, ripe, juicy, seasonal fruits and vegetables. 8 ways to take care of yourself in the summer.

Whole vegetable food is the best option at any time of the year, and especially in summer! The body does not need heavy food and extra calories to keep warm. On the contrary, he wants lightness, juicy flavors and vitamins. Therefore, grab these delicious strawberries, cherries, cherries, cucumbers, peppers, greens and feel how you are saturated with benefits and health.

Fresh vegetable salads in summer are preferable to heat–treated foods, and fruits and berries are the best substitute for sweets.

#4.Wear things made of light natural materials

Do you want a sauna effect? Dark colors of clothing, dense fabrics and synthetics will provide it to you. But if you are tired of sweating, choose light clothes made of cotton, linen and other natural fabrics. Let your wardrobe be lighter in summer, it will be possible to wrap up in black on cool days. It is better to put a hat, a cap, a panama hat, a stylish scarf on your head – for every taste. Try to walk in the shade during the hottest hours.

#5.Take a walk every day

Even if you have a long working day, go out for a walk at lunchtime. Get to work on foot, at least part of the way. Take a walk in the evening, when you already feel a pleasant coolness. Walking is the most natural and beneficial physical activity. On weekends, you can go out of town or go to the park with friends and have a vegan picnic, play volleyball or board games.

Take a walk every day
Take a walk every day. photos from pixabay

#6. Start exercising outside. 8 ways to take care of yourself in the summer.

Why a stuffy gym if you can work out outdoors? Not only running, jumping rope or squats – a variety of physical activities are available on the street. There are playgrounds with special equipment, and free yoga classes are held in parks in summer. Study separately or find a circle of interests. Such a sport can strengthen not only muscles, but also social ties. Keep a balance of activity and rest. Recuperation is just as important as regular training. You need to rest! Once again: you NEED to rest!

#7. Choose a convenient time for training

You will have to experiment to understand what time of the day is most comfortable for your classes. But try not to postpone training, despite the weather, busy and lack of mood. Very busy people find time in their schedule for physical activities. It is proved that movement stimulates the work of brain cells and promotes the formation of new neural connections. If you want to generate cool ideas or find non–standard solutions to issues, then sports is the most faithful assistant to you in this.

#8. Go barefoot

The energy of the earth helps to feel better, relieves stress and relieves tension. Therefore, get grounded – take off your sneakers already and walk on grass, rocks or sand. Of course, in a suitable place for this, where there is no glass and other sharp objects. Do not forget about such an amazing option – let your feet rest and enjoy a natural massage.

Go barefoot
Go barefoot. photos from pixabay

Whatever it was, any of your endeavors should be a joy to you. You can adopt one or more ways.. and act! Try to find for yourself exactly what is close in spirit and gives you real pleasure.