Purpose, the search for a dream job, the formation of a personal brand, and the disclosure of female nature. The market for the development of personal potential is oversaturated with various pieces of training, courses, and marathons. How not to get lost in the proposed variety, isolate the truth, and save time, money, inner strength, and faith in the proposed practices? How to start a harmonious relationship with yourself?
People answering the question about healthy relationships with themselves today claimed that it was about “balance”, “psychological well-being”, “resource state”, “effective existence”, “honesty with oneself” and “nonviolent attitude to oneself”. Immerse yourself in this vivid memory, and relive it. What is this state about for you? Joy, happiness, inspiration, euphoria, trembling tenderness, a solar flare, or an endless stream inside is your resource state.
How much time a week does your attention, energy, and thoughts occupy: work, goals, plans, prosperity, money? The time of female energies and the restructuring of external reality need other actions, thoughts, and emotions. The foundation on which they rely when creating a harmonious relationship with themselves contains seven basic components.
When a woman manages to combine the components in harmonious proportions, she intuitively understands how internal time management works, which projects to participate in, which books to read, with whom to communicate, and with whom to stop interacting. She benefits without words and draws information directly from an internal source. He knows how to decipher the signs coming from outside in order to maintain harmony with himself and the environment.

Seven fundamental components for keeping in touch with yourself. How to start a harmonious relationship with yourself?
#1. In search of oneself, meanings – stop doubting choices, decisions, actions, thoughts, and feelings. Change doubt to trust. Everything that happens at the moment, yes, but to learn to accept with gratitude both the minus sign and the plus sign.
#2. To restore contact with the body, to learn to understand its signals. Every emotion is reflected in the body. The more relaxed the body, the easier it is to feel where and how emotions manifest themselves.
#3. Stop comparing yourself with others and with your own expectations. This generates resentment, envy, and apathy, as well as a race for other people’s goals, and successes. Accept experience, gifts, and talents, and start monetizing your unique expertise.
#4. To find an individual way to calm the mind, to balance thoughts, to clear the mental computer of garbage. External information becomes garbage, with which the mind is overloaded. Obsolete outdated beliefs. Other people’s thoughts stuck in my head.
#5. Develop intuition and a way of interacting with the outside world. Understand how your desires are personally fulfilled, and where and how answers and solutions come from. Trust spontaneous and chaotic actions.

#6. Manage the four hormones of happiness at the level of the physical body and habits, to maintain personal harmony. Dopamine, endorphin, serotonin, and oxytocin, are associated with four important emotions: contentment, joy, a sense of significance, and calmness.
#7. To understand social roles, to go beyond the usual images. Develop flexibility in thinking and taking approaches to solve life’s puzzles. More humor and games: this helps to maintain sanity when the events of material reality do not connect with spiritual vision.
Take the first steps. How to start a harmonious relationship with yourself?
When there is a goal mission, it is necessary to take the first step. Take small steps, the ones that you can do. Consider everything: the conditions of your life, your daily routine, your capabilities. Then these steps will be comfortable and easy for you. And you will be getting closer to your goal step by step. It is worth starting to do them immediately, immediately, in the next few days.
So that your goal does not fade, and the energy that you have revealed in yourself paves the way for you forward. It’s so nice to see the results of your work, it’s very inspiring. These can be completely simple and doable steps. -Find information on the Internet about training courses. Buy a useful book and start reading it. Ask friends who have the experience you need, what and how they did.

Make a plan for your promotion or find a specialist who will help you formulate your goals and your true values. There are periods of ups and downs, but the main thing is not to stop and search, taking everything in your life as an invaluable experience. And you will definitely find your favorite business, perhaps in a place where you did not even expect to find it. Don’t give up, be brave and search.
It is worth getting a healthy habit of noticing what is happening in life now, enjoying every day, and living in pleasure.