The drink is a real vitamin storehouse that will strengthen the immune system, fight seasonal depression and colds, they perfectly tone the entire body, charging cheerfulness for the whole day. But there is one condition: they should be drunk only after you have had breakfast, not on an empty stomach. Or in between meals, preferably in the morning. Drink for immunity from oranges lemons and honey.
For those who are especially careful about their figure, instead of sugar, you can sweeten lemonade with honey or fructose. All drinks that we will prepare according to three recipes should be stored in the refrigerator in the future. And before use, you can slightly warm up. Thus, home-made lemonade helps not only in the summer in the heat, when it is drunk only in a chilled form, but now, during the off-season and cold weather, you can use these vitamin drinks to warm them up a little.
Today’s story about vitamin drinks that increase immunity would not be complete without another popular fruit that is often on our table — an orange. Oranges like probably many. This juicy, beautiful, bright orange fruit has a pleasant, sweet-sour taste, juicy flesh. In addition, orange fruits are also rich in antioxidants and vitamins and are very useful for maintaining the immune system in good condition. However, not all people can eat and enjoy the juicy flesh of fresh fruits because of their acid. In this case, you can prepare a very delicious and healthy vitamin drink from oranges.

Ingredients:. Drink for immunity from oranges lemons and honey.
Cooking time 15 minutes
Oranges 5 PCs
Lemons 1 PC
Mineral water 50.72 fl oz
Honey or sugar 1/2 Cup or to taste
Tarhun grass 3 PCs
Instructions:. Cooking time 15 minutes.
We will wash oranges and lemons, clean them from films and seeds, we will only need the pulp.
Wash the tarragon, tear the leaves from the stems.
Bring the water to a boil. Turn off the heat and add tarragon leaves, leave to infuse under the lid for 2-3 hours.
In the infusion, add the pulp of orange and lemon, pass them through a blender. Strain the syrup through a sieve or gauze. Add honey and mineral water. You can store an orange drink in the refrigerator.
Drink medicinal drinks and teas that support your health and immunity. Do not get sick, and if you have a cold, be sure to use folk remedies and prepare yourself an anti-cold drink from ginger, rosehip or chamomile.