A balanced and healthy breakfast will charge you with energy, make you more cheerful and relieve abdominal discomfort. Also, when you start the day right, you focus better throughout the day and make healthy food choices. The healthiest foods to eat for breakfast.
A healthy breakfast should include vegetable protein and fat, which will allow you to stay full for a long time, as well as b vitamins to stay energetic throughout the day.
Organic eggs.The healthiest foods to eat for breakfast.
Unlike eggs laid by free-range hens, organic eggs are eggs from hens that not only ate grass, but were also fed certified organic food. These eggs are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Eggs are considered a well-balanced meal, as the yolk contains good fats, B vitamins and choline, which are important for brain health, while protein is a complete protein.
A tropical fruit containing the enzyme papain, which helps digest protein foods. Papaya is a delicious fruit rich in vitamin C, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and is useful for the digestive tract. As a snack for children, you can make a cream from pieces of fruit and yogurt in a blender or add frozen papaya to a smoothie.
Chia seeds. The healthiest foods to eat for breakfast.
Chia is also a full-fledged protein product that saturates the whole morning. These super seeds are rich in essential fatty acids, iron and b vitamins. Mix Chia with almond and coconut milk, leave it overnight, and in the morning add your favorite nuts and fruits to them — a light and nutritious breakfast is ready.
Bananas are considered the best friend of vegetarians after avocado. They contain potassium, which helps our nervous system work and send signals for the entire body to function. Also found in bananas was tryptophan, an amino acid necessary for the production of serotonin, the joy hormone. In addition, bananas contain vitamin B6, which is important for the nervous system.
Activated nuts
These are nuts that have been soaked in water for a while, which makes them easier to clean and prolongs their freshness. Nuts are rich in protein, fat, minerals and vitamins. If you don’t have time for breakfast, nuts are the best breakfast to eat on the run. Almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts,and cashews are best.
Seaweed and sprouts. The healthiest foods to eat for breakfast.
Spirulina and Chlorella, wetgrass (wheat grass) and barley grass — the best foods that you can eat! Rich in plant-based protein, healthy fats, B vitamins, minerals, and fiber, these plants alkalize our bodies and energize our cells for a great start to the day. Try adding 1 teaspoon of herbs to a smoothie or fresh juice.
Berries contain little fructose and are good for breakfast. They are rich in antioxidants that keep our cells healthy. Choose local and organic berries, otherwise they may be processed with harmful substances. Just 8 berries a day is enough. Keep them frozen and eat them with the nuts for breakfast.
Coconut yogurt
Healthy bacteria are essential for the whole body to function. You need to eat healthy bacteria daily to maintain balance in your gut. Coconut yogurt is the best vegetarian yogurt that contains electrolytes to restore water balance in the body and fiber if it is made from coconut pulp. By adding nuts and berries to it, you will get a wonderful breakfast.
By including these foods in your diet, you will improve your health. Add avocado, paleo-diet granola, pineapples, and stewed apples with cinnamon.