Mint is an amazing plant that is used in cosmetology, pharmacology, medicine, and cooking. The composition of mint includes biologically active substances, and esters, including menthol, flavonoids and organic acids, tannins, carotene, and trace elements. Is it possible to grow mint at home? Absolutely, yes. Mint is an unpretentious plant for care and grows perfectly on the windowsill. What to cook with mint for every day?
Let’s see where you can add mint to make delicious and healthy dishes.
#1. Sauce with mint, lime, and garlic
With a subtle refreshing aroma and pleasant taste, mint perfectly complements meat, poultry, and pasta. It helps heavy food to be absorbed easier and faster. Mint stimulates the production of gastric juice and accelerates metabolism. That’s why the recipe for the mint sauce will be a good addition to grilled steak or spicy wings.
Fresh mint small bunch
Fresh cilantro 5 sprigs
Garlic 2 cloves
Lime 1 pc.
Olive oil 4 tablespoons
Water 2 tablespoons
White wine vinegar 1 teaspoon
Powdered sugar 1 teaspoon
Salt to taste
Cooking time 15 minutes
We wash and dry the greens well, and tear off all the leaves. Press the peeled garlic with the flat side of the knife. We put everything in a blender bowl, pour in water, and grind it into a pulp. In a separate container, mix olive oil, wine vinegar, lime juice, powdered sugar, and salt. Pour the resulting mixture into the green gruel and punch it with a blender again. Pour the sauce into a glass jar with a tight lid and store it in the refrigerator. But not longer than 2-3 days.
#2. Sauce with mint, cucumber, and lemon juice What to cook with mint for every day?
The fragrant aroma of mint increases appetite. And you can also add the mint sauce with yogurt.
Fresh cucumber 1 pc.
Natural yogurt 3.53 oz
Mint leaves 3 tablespoons
Olive oil 1 tablespoon
Lemon juice 1 teaspoon
Garlic 3 cloves
Sea salt to taste
Cooking time 10 minutes
Peel the cucumber, cut it in half, remove the seeds with a teaspoon, and rub the pulp on a fine grater. We shift the resulting mass into cheesecloth and hang it over the bowl so that the excess liquid flows. Then mix the pulp with yogurt, olive oil, and lemon juice.
Finely chop the mint, pass garlic through the press, also add them to the cucumber mass. In the end, salt the sauce to taste. Let it brew in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. What you did not have time to eat, store in an airtight container for no longer than 4-5 days. The sauce is served with meat, poultry, fish, and seafood. And it is also used as a salad dressing.
#3. Soup with udon, shrimp, and mushrooms
Most often you can find recipes for meat with mint. This herb is best combined with mutton. And it is also indispensable in spicy soups with a subtle expressive sourness. For such dishes, you should choose chocolate or orange mint. However, pepper, which is more familiar to us, will also work. Let’s make soup with udon, shrimp, and mushrooms.
Designed for 4 servings
Shrimp 17.64 oz
Fresh champignons 8.82 oz
Udon noodles 5.29 oz
Chicken broth 50.72 fl oz
Fish sauce 2 tablespoons
Lime juice 2 tablespoons
Mint 1 small bunch
Lemongrass 5 stems
Red chili pepper 1/4 pod
Green onions to taste
Salt to taste
Cooking time 15 minutes
Bring the chicken broth to a boil, lay the shrimp and lemongrass stalks, cook for 2-3 minutes on low heat, then filter the broth and pour it back into the pan. At the same time, we put udon to cook. we chop mint, cut champignons into plates, and chili peppers into rings.
We cool the shrimps, peel them from the shells and send them to the broth. Then we pour out mushrooms, udon, rings of hot pepper, and mint. Fill the soup with fish sauce and lime juice, salt to taste, and let it simmer for another couple of minutes. Before serving, garnish each portion of the soup with mint leaves and chopped green onions.
#4. Marinade for a barbecue with mint flavor. What to cook with mint for every day?
Mint has a calming effect. Mint is especially indicated for chronic fatigue and frequent stress. The mint fragrance alone helps to put your nerves in order and relax. In addition, you can cook delicious meat on the grill there. Save the recipe for the original marinade with mint.
Mint half a bunch
Lemon 1 pc.
Fresh rosemary 1 sprig
Garlic 2 cloves
Olive oil 4 tablespoons
Salt, and black pepper to taste
Cooking time 10 minutes
Pour boiling water over the lemon and wash the peel with a brush. Using a fine grater, rub the zest, trying not to touch the white part. Then squeeze the juice out of half a lemon. We remove all the mint leaves from the stems and chop them smaller.
Mix them with garlic passed through the press, add the juice and lemon zest, and pour in olive oil. From a sprig of rosemary, we also remove the leaves and put them in the marinade. Season it with salt and pepper, and mix. This marinade is suitable for lamb kebabs, beef steak, and chicken shanks. And it can also be served as a sauce for grilled meat.
#5. Original green sorbet
The toning effect of mint has been known for a long time. All thanks to menthol and essential oils. Prepare the original green sorbet.
Designed for 2 servings
Mint leaves 1 cup
Sugar 1 cup
Water 1 cup
Lemon 1 pc.
Lemon juice 1/2 cup
Cooking time 45 minutes
Knead the mint leaves a little with a pestle. Thoroughly rinse the lemon, wipe it dry and remove the zest with a fine grater. We put it in a glass container, add mint leaves, sprinkle it with sugar, and pour hot water.
Cover the mixture with a lid, insist for half an hour, then filter through several layers of gauze. Now pour in the lemon juice, mix well, and pour into cups. We remove the sorbet from the freezer until it freezes completely. Do not forget to insert the sticks when the mass freezes a little.
#6. Lemonade with grapefruit, lemon, mint, and lime. What to cook with mint for every day?
Make lemonade with grapefruit, lemon, and mint. It perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes, and if necessary relieves headaches.
Designed for 2 servings
Grapefruit 1 pc.
Lemon 2 pcs.
Lime 2 pcs.
Mint 3 sprigs
Carbonated water 2 cups
Sugar to taste
Cooking time 10 minutes
Cut all the citrus fruits in half, cut a few slices, squeeze all the juice from the remaining pulp and combine it in one container. Mint sprigs are lightly kneaded with a pusher and put on the bottom of the decanter along with slices of fruit.
Fill everything with freshly squeezed juice and mineral water, and let it stand in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Serve the lemonade, garnishing the glasses with fresh mint leaves.
#7. Mint smoothie with avocado. What to cook with mint every day?
Make a mint smoothie for yourself.
Designed for 2 servings
Avocado 1 pc.
Green apple 1 pc.
Cucumber 1 pc.
Celery stalks 1 pc.
Mint 5 sprigs
Lemon juice 1 tablespoon
Filtered water 1/2 cup
Honey to taste
Cooking time 10 minutes
Peel all the fruits and cucumber. We remove the bone from the avocado and the core from the apple. Coarsely cut all the ingredients, and pour them into the blender bowl. Add mint leaves and chopped celery stalk, and whisk everything into a homogeneous mass.
Pour lemon juice and water to the desired density. You can add a little honey. But even without that, the taste of the smoothie will be quite rich. Bon Appetit!
How to grow mint at home?
We will need:
Container for germination of seeds 1 pc.
Container for seedlings 1 pc.
Garden soil, humus 1 pc.
Seeds in a package of 1 pc.
Drainage for indoor plants 1 pc.
Plastic film 1 pc.
Spray gun for flowers 1 pc.
#1: Take 2 parts garden soil, 1 part humus, 1 part peat, and 1 part sand. Mix the soil mixture well. If you do not have a cottage where you can find all the components for the soil, then buy ready-made soil in the store.
#2: Fill the container with earth, moisten it with a sprayer, sow seeds, deepen them, and sprinkle. Cover the container with a film. It is necessary to periodically moisten the soil carefully with a sprayer when the soil dries and ventilate it a couple of times a week, opening the film.
#3: After 2-3 weeks, the first shoots appear. As soon as the seedlings grow two real leaves, they are dived and planted in a larger container. Do not forget to pour drainage into a permanent container at the bottom.
Care Tips
In the autumn-winter period, the plant must be illuminated with a photo lamp. Do not forget to feed mint, any complex fertilizer will do.
Elena runs a private practice as a nutrition coach in the USA and many countries around the world.
I suggest:
Evaluate current meal plans and give general recommendations.
Individual consultations.
Making individual meal plans.
Recommend gradual dietary changes and consistent dietary practice.
Discuss the importance of balanced macronutrient intake.
To offer recommendations on eating behavior.
Promote the calorie recommendations set out by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, MyPlate, the Eatwell Guide in the United Kingdom, or other acceptable organizations.