Beans are used to cook various dishes. The most common are soups, pates, salads. This product saturates well, so it may well replace meat for a while. This useful property is successfully used by slimming people. Losing weight with beans is very satisfying and simple. Why include in the diet, recipes for dishes with beans and recommendations for use?
These legumes contain a lot of protein, which is superior in nutritional value to many types of meat. Moreover, it is absorbed by 70%. In addition, this vegetable contains such macro- and microelements as sulfur, iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium. What else is beans rich in? These are amino acids, vitamins (K, PP, E, C, B groups), carbohydrates, fiber, ash, starch, mono- and disaccharides.
(1) – “They provide fiber, protein, carbohydrate, B vitamins, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and phosphorous. Legumes are naturally low in fat, are practically free of saturated fat, and because they are plant foods, they are cholesterol free as well. One serving of legumes, which is one-half cup, provides about 115 calories, 20 g of carbohydrate, 7–9 g of fiber, 8 g of protein, and 1 g of fat. Legumes also have a low glycemic index, generally ranging between 10 and 40.”
A large amount of useful substances forms the valuable properties of this vegetable. Beans increase the body’s resistance to infectious diseases, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension, kidney stones, and strengthen the immune system.

Beans reduce blood sugar levels, regulate carbohydrate metabolism, calm the nervous system, and help recover from a serious illness. In general, the vegetable is very healthy.
What are the benefits of beans for weight loss? First of all, a large amount of protein, which is well absorbed. Beans saturate well, so during a diet, hunger will not torment. In addition, this vegetable restores metabolism, removes excess fluid from the body, that is, removes swelling, cleanses the intestines, thanks to fiber.
Depending on the type, beans can contain from 93 to 200 kcal. Red beans are preferable, as they contain 93 calories. But, despite the rather high calorie content, the beans are slowly digested. However, not all calories are absorbed. And these legumes have a low glycemic index, so beans can be consumed both in the morning and in the evening. It will not cause a sharp spike in blood sugar, which is important when losing weight.
Beans are a source of vegetable protein that provides fast and long-lasting saturation. One hundred grams of dried bean seeds provide a person with 20-25 grams of protein per day — this is about 20% of the recommended daily allowance.
The product contains a lot of dietary fiber — 14-19 g per 100 g of fat — about 1.5–6.5 g — mainly mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The carbohydrate part of the beans is represented by starch — about 50% of it.
In terms of amino acid composition, it is similar to animal protein. Beans are rich in bioactive compounds, they contain galactooligosaccharides, protease inhibitors, lectins, phytates, oxalates, and phenolic compounds that play a role in metabolism.
The therapeutic and preventive properties of beans are associated with bioactive substances — polyphenols. Regular consumption of the product reduces blood sugar levels, the concentration of “bad” cholesterol, reduces the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, heart and vascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity. In addition, beans have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antitumor effects. Beans support the health of the liver, kidneys, nervous and bone-joint systems.
How to cook beans quickly and deliciously to get the maximum benefit and pleasure? Why include in the diet, recipes for dishes with beans and recommendations for use?
If you want the beans to have a frankly bean flavor, be sure to soak it for 8-12 hours before cooking. After that, it is recommended to drain the water and cook the beans in new water, otherwise the cooking time will stretch indefinitely, and the beans will lose their delicate nutty notes.
(2) – “Legumes are an integral part of many healthy eating patterns, including the Mediterranean style of eating, the DASH eating plan, vegetarian and vegan diets, and lower-glycemic-index (GI) diets. Along with being a highly nutritious food, evidence shows that legumes can play an important role in the prevention and management of a number of health conditions.”

To combat flatulence, add thyme and mint to the beans before cooking — they will rid the intestines of gases and give the dish a fragrant aroma.
Take your time, cook the beans over low heat. After boiling, experienced housewives change the water again and add a little vegetable oil to it for a mild taste.
Salt the beans only at the end of cooking, otherwise it will turn out too hard.
To cook the beans faster, add 1 tablespoon of cold water to it every 10 minutes.
Do not cover the beans with a lid when cooking, and then they will retain their bright saturated color.
Stewed beans with zucchini. Why include in the diet, recipes for dishes with beans and recommendations for use?
red or white beans 5.29oz
zucchini 1 pc.
onion 1 pc.
carrots 1 pc.
tomato juice 1 cup
vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
salt, ground pepper to taste.
Cooking time is 1 hour
Prepare the products, pre-soak the beans. Pour about a liter of water into a saucepan, put the beans. Simmer for 45 minutes until tender. The beans should become soft, but not burst. Drain the water.
Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Fry for 3-4 minutes in vegetable oil.
Peel the carrots and cut into cubes, add to the onion. Fry on high heat for 2 minutes, then turn down the temperature and cook for another 5 minutes.
Cut the zucchini into pieces similar in size to the beans. Send it to the onions and carrots, simmer for a couple of minutes. Add salt and pepper.
Add the beans to the pan, pour in the tomato juice, and mix. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for about half an hour, until the liquid thickens.
Bean paste. Why include in the diet, recipes for dishes with beans and recommendations for use?
Boiled beans make a wonderful pate! A hearty and nutritious bean paste with a spicy taste is what you need for lunch with a slice of bread. Such a pate is prepared elementary: mix chopped boiled beans and fried onions with walnuts and dill – and enjoy.
Among the various types of beans, red beans are quite popular – recipes that include these beans allow you to cook delicious, healthy, and appetizing dishes.
beans 1 cup
onion 2 pcs.
vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
garlic 2 cloves
spices, salt, pepper to taste
Cooking time is 1 hour
Soak the beans overnight. Drain the liquid and pour the beans with fresh water. Put it on the stove and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat to medium and cook for 40 minutes until tender.

Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Chop the garlic.
Heat a frying pan, pour in the oil. Fry the onion until golden brown.
Spin the beans in a meat grinder or blender. To make the mass softer, add a little bean broth. Add 2/3 of the onion, garlic, salt, pepper and spices. Mix it up.
Put it on a plate or salad bowl, sprinkle with the remaining onion.
Spicy and delicious beans
This fragrant bean stew with excellent taste is very convenient to cook in one pot, not to mention that it is very tasty.
Ingredients for 4 servings:
onion 1 piece
garlic onion 3 chopped cloves
chili powder 1 tablespoon
ground cayenne pepper 1/2 teaspoon
diced 1 bell pepper
tomato paste 10 tablespoons
mustard 1 teaspoon
vegetable broth 1 cup
cooked white beans 3 cups
coconut sugar 1 tablespoon
tahini 2-3 tablespoons
salt and pepper to taste
Cooking time is 30 minutes
Heat a little oil/water in a large saucepan and fry the onion, garlic, chili powder and cayenne pepper for 4-5 minutes.
When the flavor appears, add bell pepper, tomato paste, mustard and broth. Mix well.
Then add the beans and cook over low heat under a lid for about 10 minutes, until the stew thickens.
Season with salt and pepper, tahini and sugar to taste. Serve warm.
(1,2) – US National Library of Medicine ;Legumes: Health Benefits and Culinary Approaches to Increase Intake; Rani Polak, corresponding author Edward M. Phillips, and Amy Campbell; 2015 Oct.
Elena runs a private practice as a nutrition coach in the USA and many countries around the world.
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