Slimness is not only about the ideal index of body mass index. First of all, this is the right attitude to yourself. To “learn” slimness, you need to imagine what excess weight is and where it comes from. Harmony through mindfulness.
In fact, everything is more complicated. Being overweight isn’t just about eating and burning extra calories. Unfortunately, this is the tip of the iceberg. And what is the basis of overeating that lies deep inside?
And each of the reasons must be worked out and stepped over. Are you ready?
(1) – “Therefore, this combined training program had a great impact and it was even more durable than mindfulness training. Previous researches also approved the finding because individuals who received both mindfulness training and dietary regime were ready to reduce weight in terms of mental and physical and this mutual readiness led to more durability. The research findings indicated that performing a dietary regime and also mindfulness training based on cognitive therapy, each of them individually, and a combination of both of them (mindfulness training and dietary regime) all had an impact on the weight reduction of obese individuals. In the field of mindfulness, concentration was mostly on the individuals’ mind and these trainings motivated them to reduce their weight psychologically.”
Step 1. Motivation for slimness
The brain is designed in such a way that until we explain to it clearly why to lose weight, it will in every way prevent any actions aimed at losing weight.
We set a goal to lose weight. We lose weight – and the weight returns.
What’s wrong again? The brain decided that the task was completed, and crossed out weight loss from the priority, that is, it simply forgot.

What should I do?
To make the desired weight not a goal, but a tool. We make up goals for life, where harmony will be a weapon. Then our brain will keep harmony in constant focus.
Step 2. Accepting yourself. Harmony through mindfulness.
Acceptance is working out all the attitudes inside and building a constructive dialogue with yourself to achieve changes for the better.
To do this, we evaluate all our qualities – those that seem “not very”, and we translate them into a better state. A dialogue and a plan of action based on love.
We drive away internal critics shouting “Yes, you can’t.”
We build our boundaries: overweight people simply do not have them or are very weak. We learn to say “no”, for example.
Why is it important to do it right away: Our brain, with any changes, tries to hide in the house of “old” installations. Therefore, at the first opportunity (for example, extreme stress), he will return you to the familiar state of completeness.
Step 3. Giving up food restrictions. Harmony through mindfulness.
Just try to accept the fact that excess weight is excess energy, and energy is contained in foods (calories).
A few facts:
Firstly, any forbidden thing becomes an idea and sooner or later your undoubtedly strong will will falter. And then, breakdown and overeating.
Secondly, acting on the advice of other people (offering ready-made menus of proper nutrition, advising when to eat and what to eat). You break the connection with your body, lose the skill inherent in us by nature to recognize hunger, and do not understand what the body needs right now. Thus, when you are left without advice, you eat what you have to and how much you have to, having lost all reference points.
It’s better to eat what you want and when you want. And you will be surprised that with this approach, the arrow on the scales will go down, and your body will blossom.

Step 4. Saying goodbye to the benefits of excess weight
I don’t need extra weight, What benefits can we talk about?
In fact, if you didn’t need it, you wouldn’t be reading this article right now.
Every overweight person has their own “advantages” hidden in the depths of the subconscious.
But asking the question “Why should I be chubby” for a day-two-a week-a month, the answer will definitely pop up. And when you understand the “why”, it is much easier to find a solution.
Step 5. Managing discontent, stress, and resentment. Harmony through mindfulness.
It turns out that there is not only physical hunger but also emotional hunger. And the raids on the refrigerator every half hour are just about emotions and our need for pleasure.
And since food is our most affordable pleasure, then we turn to it the easiest.
What to do in this case?
1. You need to learn to distinguish between hunger and emotional hunger.
2. Make a list of your pleasures – music, walking, shopping, perfume, art in all its manifestations, sex, touching, hugging, talking with a girlfriend, hobbies, nature, reading, writing – in general, each of you will have your own list.
3. I was drawn to the refrigerator. Ask yourself: do you want to eat or emotions? Is there? Then choose exactly what you want to eat now. And if you want emotions – open the list and have fun.
About stress. They either deprive you of your appetite or inflame it to an uncontrolled state.
Try to look at the cause objectively and, as if from the outside, take the position of an observer.
When you accept yourself, you gradually come to accept the people around you and life in general. Believe me, most of the stress will seem ridiculous and insignificant to you.
Unspoken resentment is another reason for excess weight.
Do not keep emotions in yourself, being good for everyone is not an option. A sincere expression of resentment works better than any diet. Sometimes only this practice allows people to get rid of extra pounds.

Step 6. Sincere dialogue with yourself
This is when you listen to your feelings, which form your thoughts, and then your behavior – the behavior of a slender person.
Start acting now.
#1. Creating a calorie deficit. Harmony through mindfulness.
The maximum calorie deficit that can be created is 25%.
How to do it?
We remove food waste: chips, crackers, cookies, chocolates, buns;
stop frying;
We don’t drink calories: soda, juices, sweet hot drinks;
reduce portions;
We keep a food diary;
#2. Drink the required amount of water
Remember, a dehydrated fat cell does not give away fat.
How to do it?
We consider the norm of clean water per day. We carry a bottle of water everywhere with us. You can install the app on your phone. Choose what you like and don’t miss the app signal.
If you don’t like the taste of water, add lemon, lime, and mint.
#3. Increase the amount of protein in the diet
How to do it? Harmony through mindfulness.
For breakfast, we eat eggs, cottage cheese, or natural yogurt.
Include meat, fish, or seafood for lunch and dinner;
Protein is found in legumes and cereals, for example, buckwheat or quinoa.
# 4. Increase the amount of fiber in the diet
Fiber perfectly saturates and cleanses the intestines. At the same time, the serving size looks impressive but contains fewer calories.
How to do it?
This is 17.64oz of vegetables, fruits, and greens we eat during the day.
The perfect dinner: protein + fiber.
Fiber is found in whole grains (not in flakes). We eat cereals for breakfast and lunch. We eat whole fruits or smoothies.

#5. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates
We eat only complex carbohydrates. From simple carbohydrates, only fruits, dried fruits.
How to do it?
We give up sugars (simple carbohydrates) gradually. Eventually reducing their use to nothing.
We eat 1-2 fruits or 5.29oz of berries per day.
We remove the “goodies” from prominent places: sweets, chocolates, cookies and so on. If they are in a prominent place, you will eat them.
#6. We are friends with fats. Harmony through mindfulness.
A person gains weight from a large amount of carbohydrates, fats have nothing to do with it.
How to do it?
Remember that fats are high in calories. Therefore, the portion of fats should be minimal.
We include in the diet avocado, egg yolk, vegetable oils (2 tablespoons per day), nuts (1 tablespoon per day), seeds (2 tsp per day), and fatty sea fish.
Meat or fish must be combined with a lot of greens and vegetables.
We reduce the fat content of dairy products, but not to 0. We avoid fat-free.
#7. Avoid foods labeled “fitness”, “healthy eating”, “0 kcal”
Marketers, not nutritionists, are behind the creation of such products. Study the composition. Low-fat foods contain a lot of hidden sugars. You can pay a lot for the product, but you won’t get any benefit.
#Rule 8. Minimum 150 minutes per week of physical activity

How to do it?
Walk and walk more. The best aerobic exercise is brisk walking. Set a goal for yourself: to take 10,000 steps every day. This is not as much as it seems at first glance. To track the number of steps, use a smartphone app, but then keep your phone with you at all times. Leave it on the table and it won’t count the steps. I think the best solution is a fitness bracelet. Put on the bracelet in the morning, and it counts your every step. At the end of the day, you will be surprised how many steps you take in the process of everyday affairs. Most bracelets remind you to drink water.
Engage in physical activity for at least 5 minutes, but every day, gradually increasing the load.
The above recommendations are suitable not only for weight loss. They should become the main postulates of your food culture.
(1) – Effectiveness of mindfulness training and dietary regime on weight loss in obese people. T Asadollahi, S Khakpour, F Ahmadi, L Seyedeh, Tahami, S Matoo, and H Bermas.