If it is difficult for you to maintain physical and mental activity, if you sleep a normal 8 hours, but still feel constantly tired, this is a signal from the body for help. You should not squeeze efficiency out of yourself by ignoring such symptoms. Most likely, you took more from your body than it could give you. It’s time to stop and deal with the causes of the non-resource state. And also provide timely support to your body.
Possible causes of fatigue. How to maintain physical and mental activity?
Lack of sleep
More important than the amount of sleep can only be its quality. The brain structures and cleans up the information received during the day. Everyone knows that the earlier we go to bed, the more valuable it is for our well–being. But how many people attach importance to this simple rule? Usually after work we cheer up, try to prolong activity to watch a movie, chatting with loved ones, visit entertainment venues, and workaholics – to finish the job.

These processes can drag on until late at night. Thus, we sacrifice the best period for sleep – from 21:00 to 00:00, during which the strength is restored and the nervous system calms down. “Getting enough sleep” at the weekend will help relieve general irritability, but it is much more difficult to rehabilitate impaired cognitive abilities with such disordered sleep.
Bright light knocks down circadian rhythms. Therefore, ideally, two hours before bedtime, do not look at the screens of the phone, TV, or tablet, so that the body begins to produce melatonin, and you easily fall asleep.
You should not abuse coffee. The caffeine drunk after lunch remains in the body for many more hours and does not allow the body to completely relax even in sleep.
At night, intestinal activity decreases, and the body needs to rest, so it is necessary to finish eating 3 hours before bedtime.
Taking into account the above nuances, build your schedule so that sleep becomes as high-quality as possible, and your physical condition improves, as well as your mood stabilizes.
Improper nutrition and dehydration. How to maintain physical and mental activity?
Of course, the ideal option would be to grow your own clean products, but not everyone can do it in a city. Therefore, try to at least be interested in the composition and origin of the food that got on your plate. Evaluate your eating habits. Perhaps you eat incompatible foods in one go, overeat, or get carried away with junk food or semi-finished products, which affects your overall well-being.

Every part of our body needs water. Even a slight degree of dehydration can weaken us, and cause lethargy. The work of the body slows down due to lack of water, as the latter transfers nutrients to the cells. Do not wait until you want to drink, maintain your water balance by drinking 35 ml per kilogram of your weight during the day.
Sedentary lifestyle (physical inactivity)
If you spend most of the day in a stationary position, reduce physical labor as much as possible, and prefer to rest on the couch, you risk acquiring a number of diseases. Physical inactivity negatively affects the activity of the brain, causing irritability, insomnia, decreased performance, and fatigue.
Our body is made for movement. Without physical exertion, it gradually weakens. No matter how paradoxical it may be, how much energy you spend, so much will return to the body. Exit the “economy” mode. Any physical activity that is pleasant to you is welcome – yoga, swimming, cycling, jogging, or exercise. Even a 20-minute walk in the park or in the woods enriches cells with oxygen, and vitamin D and dispels the fog in the head.

Psychological problems
Here you can list a whole list of factors that undermine the health of the nervous system. A job from which you have “grown up” for a long time and cannot realize your potential on it. Monotonous work that does not require the manifestation of creative abilities, both at work and at home. On the other hand – multitasking, deadlines, and heavy mental loads. An excessive amount of information, especially of a negative nature (social networks, advertising, empty conversations). Stress and depression, which are increasingly becoming the companions of modern man. Lack of like-minded people, inspiring goals, and quality rest.
“Medicines” for fatigue. How to maintain physical and mental activity?
“Medicines” are a healthy diet, sound sleep, sufficient fluid intake, an active lifestyle, as well as the search for the real you, your own values, and liberation from excess. Try to relieve yourself as much as possible and reduce the psycho-emotional tension. Don’t take on new tasks, put aside gadgets more often.
Do not engage in deliberately unpleasant conversations. Don’t blame yourself for being unproductive. Stay in silence, in nature. Think about what exactly upsets you in the way of your own life. What can you change, and what can you eliminate right now? Start, for example, with things that do not please and do not benefit. They take away your energy. A suit that you will wear someday-never; wet, but still “normal” shoes; a candle stub that has been stored for years in case of a power outage. Throw them away. Clear your space from unnecessary.
Think about what exactly you don’t like about your work. What can be changed in it? Or maybe this position no longer has any meaning for you personally, and it’s time to make room for another candidate?

What fascinates you? At what moments does enthusiasm wake up? An enthusiastic person forgets about fatigue and burns with his idea.
Add taking care of yourself to the list of mandatory tasks – any relaxing and wellness procedures. Anything that fills you will do. Massage, sauna, contrast shower, reading books, listening to music, dancing, walking in a deserted place, socializing with friends and animals. These daily activities will keep both the body and the nervous system in good shape. Remember that with a decrease in mental resources, immunity decreases. Therefore, even a small regular contribution to yourself matters. Take care of your body in advance, without bringing it to a critical state.

If you understand that at this stage you are not able to get out without someone’s help, contact a psychologist. Trust a specialist. Voicing your experiences to an understanding person is therapy in itself. A good specialist will help you find the root of the problem and solve it.
This is your life and you are able to cope with any difficulties. The main thing is to take at least small steps toward change.