Mikhail Borisov

I am an editor and co-founder of Elena Sunshine Magazine. I have 10 years of experience in mass media as a journalist and editor. I also do software testing and am a data scientist. For the magazine, I provide high quality content and the smooth operation of the site. I graduated from Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University with a bachelor of journalism, as well as Yaroslavl State Technical University with a Master's Degree in Computer Science.

Squid in batter with dill

Squid in batter with dill

Excellent appetizer-squid in batter with dill. The recipe, like most other recipes for squid dishes, begins with the fact that the squid needs to be prepared and boiled. At the same time, it should be remembered that squid can not be cooked for a long time, so that they do not become hard. Squid batter

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