Excellent cutlets for every day from green lentils and baked eggplant! Delicious, nutritious, easy to prepare. Fitness recipe cutlets from lentils and eggplant.
Lentils, like other legumes, contain a minimum of fat, but are very rich in protein and fiber. A healthy feature is that lentils contain soluble fiber, which helps improve digestion.
Lentil dishes improve your metabolism and boost your immune system. Boiled lentils retain more than half of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.
Lentils are beautiful at any time of the year. As an accompaniment to winter, hot lentil dishes are served and colorful bright lentils in light salads are beautiful in summer.
One of the main differences between lentils and other legumes is that they cook relatively quickly. Lentils, unlike chickpeas, peas, beans, do not have to be soaked in water, it can be cooked immediately. But it is better to salt the lentils at the end of cooking, since lentils take longer to cook in salted or acidified water. On average, 1 Cup of lentils take 1.5-2 cups of water.
To avoid overcooking the lentils, put the lentils in water that is already boiling, not cold. Let the water boil again, reduce the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and leave the lentils to cook for 10-40 minutes, stirring from time to time and be sure to check its taste – depending on the variety, lentils require different cooking times, some of them 15-30 minutes will be enough.
The use of lentils in cooking is very diverse. Lentil dishes are not only useful, but also due to their excellent taste they are excellent.
Even sweet dishes can be made from green lentils, such as delicious chocolate truffles, which are made even without the use of butter and sugar. Lentils can also serve as a base for making cheesecake. A puree of red lentils perfectly replaces the oil in the preparation of any baking, especially puree of lentils behaves well in chocolate biscuits and cupcakes, it enhances the chocolate taste of the dessert.

For 4 servings
Green lentils 7.05 oz
Eggplant (medium) 2 PCs
Onion 1 PC
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
Dill 5 sprigs
Water 2 cups
Instruction:. Fitness recipe cutlets from lentils and eggplant.
Cooking time 3 hours 30 minutes
Prepare the necessary ingredients for lentil and eggplant cutlets.
Wash the lentils and cover with water. Leave at room temperature for at least 3 hours. Wash the eggplant and wrap it in foil. Bake the eggplant in the oven at 356F degrees until soft. You can check the readiness with a wooden skewer. Cool the finished eggplant.
Drain the water from lentils. Grind it with a blender into a mush. Add the eggplant pulp without the skin. Use a blender to chop everything together.
Add the peeled and chopped onion. Grind.
Add salt, black pepper, and chopped dill.
Finally mix everything together. If the mass seems runny, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of flour.
Spread the lentil-eggplant mass with a tablespoon in a frying pan with a large amount of vegetable oil.
Lentil and eggplant cutlets absorb oil with medium intensity, but they are browned very quickly, so do not leave them unattended.
Ready-made lentil cutlets with eggplant are good both hot and cold. Bon Appetit!