Concrete steps that allow you to take control of reality into your own hands

Concrete steps that allow you to take control of reality into your own hands

Our reality is our realized desires, one way or another. All materialized dreams are united by a certain behavioral algorithm, done repeatedly both intuitively and consciously on the basis of an impressive knowledge base about the transformation of material reality. Concrete steps that allow you to take control of reality into your own hands.

And here are the concrete steps that allow you to take control of reality into your own hands.


Learn to make decisions. The first and most important step on the way to your dream is to understand what exactly you want. Very often dreams are caused by the unrealized desires of our parents, the views of our environment, and the standards accepted in society. In such a situation, it is necessary to take responsibility for making a decision. Realize your desire to the fullest.

And it’s very easy to understand whether it’s yours or not. Just imagine your life without what you want.

Whether you feel a sense of comfort or even relief, or vice versa, its absence creates a void in your life, and the presence feels like happiness. Feelings are the most important indicator of the truth of your desire. Guided by this criterion, it becomes easy to make decisions about your desires. Just listen to yourself and act.

Fantasies. Photo from pixabay

STEP #2. Concrete steps that allow you to take control of reality into your own hands.

Direct your energy in the right direction. When the decision is made, continue the systematic process of desire materialization. Direct your energy to visualize what you want, not waiting and pleading for its fulfillment. Dreaming is very useful because it triggers an invisible mechanism that can be described very briefly and succinctly with the following phrase: “Like attracts like.” Everything in the world is based on the law of attraction. Include visualization practice in your daily schedule.

Remember your dream with love and gratitude. Allow yourself to face your dream for a couple of minutes a day.
This is a necessary and sufficient condition for your subconscious to perceive what you want as reality and search for possible options for its fulfillment.
In the process of visualization, there is a coincidence of the vibrational frequency of desire and the frequency of your attention directed at desire.


Catch the sensations. Many people, after reading the previous step of the creation process, may object that the visualization of conscious desires does not work. Perhaps your creativity is off the scale when drawing up a wish map, and your house resembles a fascinating gallery of images and symbols of your aspirations that have not yet been realized in reality. This situation is common, but not hopeless.

In creating an image of the desired goal, you need to bet not on the material object as such, but on the feelings of happiness and pleasure that it will bring into your life.

In the process of visualization, direct your attention to the feelings, emotions, and sensations that you will experience at the moment when your wish has been fulfilled. Be inspired by these feelings, remember them, and whenever you remember your desire, recreate them simultaneously with the desired image. Only such synergy can transform the material reality and manifest the desired in reality.

STEP #4. Concrete steps that allow you to take control of reality into your own hands.

Become free from fears. Having composed a dream, let it go easily and with pleasure. If, after formulating a desire, you begin to be afraid and doubt. It is necessary to strive for balance and tune in to fulfill desires.
If the desire is associated with fears, then the probability that it will be fulfilled is extremely small. Therefore, be sure to take an inventory of your fears about what you want.

Fantasies. Photo from pixabay

A purposeful process of such activity will necessarily reveal unconscious blocks in the form of fears. Having identified your fears, looking into their eyes, make a conscious decision to part with them and move on easily and freely towards the goal.


Introduce your subconscious to the golden rule. The skill of fulfilling desires inevitably leads to an increase in requests and needs. And on this path, it is important not to overestimate the significance of your desires. If this happens, be sure to ask yourself: “Does this desire seem significant to me compared to what or by whom?” Feel free to answer the question and come up with an alternative desire that is much larger than the previous one. The effect is excellent, and your current desire will seem ordinary and easily achievable.

Activity. Photo from pixabay

STEP #6. Concrete steps that allow you to take control of reality into your own hands.

Don’t give up. Find a fulcrum in the pleasure that can and should be experienced by looking at your dream in material reality, even if the owner of the desire is another person. Remember, by manifesting what you want in material reality. When the desired has arisen, it is already on its way to you. Experience gratitude in such moments, and the feeling of joy for another person multiplies the chances of success many times. And remember – all in good time!