How to prevent burnout and what to do?

How to prevent burnout and what to do?

The problem with burnout is that it often creeps up unnoticed. Well, I don’t have the strength. Not today — they will be tomorrow. Well, the mood is not very good. Well, it’s winter! How to prevent burnout and what to do?

So many different signals are ignored. Burnout appears with chronic stress when the body and psyche stop coping with it. Therefore, awareness of this danger and prevention of burnout is very important.

How does burnout manifest itself? How to prevent burnout and what to do?

# 1. Fatigue from the very morning. You may want to sleep all the time, even if you sleep enough. At the same time, there may be problems with sleep, insomnia, and often waking up at night. Even if you slept all night like a baby, in the morning you are already tired and broken (depression, hypochondria, irritability). ⠀
#2. Any problems at work, even regular ones, are perceived too acutely. There are no forces to solve them. ⠀#3. Frequent colds, reduced immunity, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Gastritis, stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer are possible. There may be problems with the thyroid gland, which is very sensitive to stress.
#4. The general state of oppression, the feeling of meaninglessness of existence. The world is gloomy, and there is no way out. Everything is not interesting.

Relaxation. Photos from pixabay

#5. If there are no tasks, you can lie down all day.

#6. Sudden headaches, migraines.
#7. Forgetfulness and weakening of concentration.
#8. Appetite changes. Either it gets worse, or you start eating everything, especially high-calorie and sweet.
#9. You get tired quickly. It doesn’t matter how old you are. You gave up on yourself. You don’t care what you look like. You’re too lazy to think about it.
#10. You often cry for no reason. Any little thing can upset you.
#11. Isolation. You don’t want to communicate with anyone, and people are annoying. This is an alarm signal if at least a few of these signs are constantly present in your life.

What to do? An active position in life will help you. Sports, walks, trips, quality rest, massages and baths, communication with loved ones.

Burnout actions. How to prevent burnout and what to do?

It is ideal to go on vacation or treatment. These are wellness treatments: mud, mineral waters, massages, amazingly restoring the body and mind.
You won’t have time to do everything at once. Therefore, learn to plan and prioritize. Which is very important. Which is not very. What can be delegated? And what to give up altogether. But your main priority is always yourself! Then there will be a balance.
Be more attentive to your condition and your needs.

Rest. Photos from pixabay

Respect your limits and don’t force yourself to do anything by force.
Be sure to start exercising. You can find what you like. Pleasure is the most important thing in this case. Boxing, dancing, martial arts, capoeira-anything. The main thing is regularly, at least 2 times a week, and in the gym. Absolutely all people with high achievements are engaged in different types of physical activity. I think it makes sense to learn from their experience.
Regular massages, needles, su-jok, shiatsu. All these ancient techniques restore the destroyed energy of the body on a subtle level. And as a result, they lead to a faster and deeper recovery.

Spend weekends actively and outdoors (skiing, skating – in winter, boats, rivers, and bicycles – in summer).
Do meditation. Every day for at least 10 minutes. It perfectly reboots, gives energy, improves concentration, and makes a person more stable. In addition, meditation is an inexhaustible source of energy and creativity.

Rest. Photos from pixabay

Proper nutrition is the basis of well-being and, most importantly, the conditions for restoring health. So if you haven’t taken care of it yet, it’s time to do it. It is definitely better not to eat gluten-containing foods, canned food, refined sugar, and confectionery. If you like meat, then eat only natural, baked, stewed, and boiled. We advise you to eat healthy sweets, honey with nuts, dark chocolate, dried fruits, and raw food sweets.

Vegetables, fruits, and cereals (gluten-free) are always appropriate. And of course no alcohol. In the long run, alcohol depletes, disrupts the brain and liver, and certainly does not lead to recovery.
Be sure to organize a quality rest for yourself during the day. Plan your vacation as part of the job. Take 5-minute breaks at the workplace. Use the lunch break to reboot. Plan an evening rest and a weekend. Well, a vacation and, of course, should be such that you are restored.
Make an hour of your day when you are only doing yourself and doing what you want. At this time, you should not be touched, by family, colleagues, or friends. Just you. You do what you want. Lie down, walk, watch TV shows, it doesn’t matter. Even if you are at home, you should not be disturbed. Most importantly, understand that the quality of your life depends on you.

How to start a productive morning? How to prevent burnout and what to do?

Get up at your usual time. To wake up with nature is to connect to energy sources. It perfectly invigorates and improves immunity.

Be sure to do some exercises. Push-ups, squats, stretches. Breathe a little, and meditate for 10 minutes. This will give you a boost of energy for the current day. The day will pass easier.
So, when fighting burnout, it is important to reduce stress, lead a healthy lifestyle, reduce the pace of life, prioritize and be attentive to yourself and your needs.

Rest. Photos from pixabay

Prevention of burnout in the modern world is as essential a task as the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and strokes. And it’s totally up to you. I wish you good health and long productivity!