Green vegetables and fruits have a healing effect on our bodies. Almost all of them contain a few calories, while they are very rich in vitamins and minerals. 10 anti-aging smoothies with Microgreens.
We share with you ideas for smoothies from green products. These drinks can be consumed for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. All of them are prepared very simply. The only thing to do is to chop the vegetables and fruits, rub them in a blender until smooth, and if necessary add a little water in case the smoothie is very thick.
Microgreen is always a fount of vitamins and microelements, as well as gentle fiber. Since the plant is at the very beginning of its growth and formation, the concentration of useful substances in it is the greatest, since nature actively saturates it with forces.
In winter or spring, when the lack of sun and vitamins deprives you of strength, microgreens will help:
It has a beneficial effect on digestion;
To cope with the constant fatigue;
Restore the balance of vitamins and trace elements;
Strengthen the nervous system;
Boost your energy;
Give strength and efficiency;
To jump-start the immune system.
In addition to the excellent taste, microgreens have an unusually high nutritional value. They are full of all sorts of vitamins such as C, E, and K, along with the phytonutrient carotenoid, which has been shown to support immune function.
Note that all vitamins are contained here in record amounts, but
among the vitamins, the presence of vitamin C, known for its antioxidant properties, is especially valuable. In addition, the carotenoids contained in young plants during their active growth fight free radicals that destroy the body’s cells.
A 2014 study conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture examined 25 varieties of microgreens, testing how their nutrients differ from those of typical vegetables. According to their report, “ overall, microgreens contained significantly higher levels of vitamins and carotenoids about five times more than their mature plant counterparts, indicating that microgreens may be worth delivering fresh during their short lives.” —
1. Smoothies with mint and microgreens
A very invigorating cocktail that will energize you for a long time. Spinach and microgreens will replenish your body with vitamins and minerals. Do not forget that it perfectly cleanses the body of harmful substances.

Ingredients 4 servings:
Microgreens (any) 3.53oz
Large ripe avocados 2 pcs
Water 1 cup
Spinach 1 bunch
Juice of ½ lime
Honey or Jerusalem artichoke syrup (if desired, you can increase it) 2 teaspoons
Mint leaves 1 tablespoon
Japanese matcha tea (powder) 1 teaspoon
Cooking time 10 minutes
Peel the avocado. Mix the micro-greens, avocado, lime juice, water, and honey in a blender until creamy.
Divide the resulting mass into 3 parts.
In the first part, add the finely chopped mint leaves, and mix thoroughly. It turns out a soft light green color. Set aside.
In the second part, add the spinach, and mix it with a blender until a uniform consistency of bright green color is obtained.
In the third part, add the matcha powder. It turns out a bright light green color.
Take the glasses and lay out 3 layers in any order. Garnish with a mint leaf and a lime slice. Bon Appetit! Ease and beauty this spring!
2. Smoothies with apple, ginger and micro-greens
This is not just a drink, but a full breakfast. Thanks to the high content of monounsaturated fats in avocados, this smoothie is very nutritious. The flesh of the avocado in its properties can compete with products of animal origin
Microgreens (any) 3.53oz
Avocado 1 piece
cucumber 1 piece
Apple 1 piece
ginger 1 piece
Cooking time 10 minutes
Peel the avocado, apple (core), and cucumber rind. Add to the avocado, micro-greens, apple, and cucumber for freshness, and a few slices of ginger for an incredible flavor. Grind everything in a blender. This drink will protect your immune system. In addition, for a few hours, you will definitely forget about hunger.

3. Smoothies with avocado, lettuce, and micro-greens
apple 1 piece
avocado 1 piece
green salad 1 piece
kiwi 1 piece
Microgreen radish 1 tablespoon
Cooking time 10 minutes
A drink made from apple, avocado, and kiwi can complement the leaves of a fresh salad surprisingly well. With a very low-calorie content (salad is one of the ten most dietary products), it has the properties of restoring metabolism and cleansing the body. It also has a lot of iron in it. Regular use of microgreens removes toxins from the body and promotes more active cell regeneration.
4. Smoothies with pear, celery, and microgreens
Celery 3 stalks
Parsley 3.53oz
Large pear (without core) 1 piece
Avocado 1 piece
Water 10.14fl oz
Microgreen 2 tablespoons
Cooking time 15 minutes
Preparation of vegetable smoothies: in a blender, mix until smooth
In addition to the fact that this breakfast is undoubtedly healthy for the body, you can make it even tastier! How? – Experiment and find your favorites!
A great light drink for the evening. And if you add a few sprigs of parsley to it, you will get an amazing combination of freshness and usefulness.
The unique properties of parsley are its rich chemical composition. The 3.53 oz (100 g) plant contains two daily values of carotene and vitamin C, which is sometimes so lacking.

5. Smoothies with apple, spinach, broccoli, and micro-greens. 10 anti-aging smoothies with Microgreens.
Spinach 1 cup
Broccoli 4 tablespoons
Celery 2 stalks
Large apple (with the skin, but without the core) 1pc
Lemon straight with zest 1/2 pc
Microgreen 2 tablespoons
Olive oil 2 tablespoons
Water (pour all the ingredients on 2/3)
Cooking time 15 minutes
Mix all the ingredients in a blender until smooth. That’s it, your green cocktail is ready! It is believed that this smoothie, more than any other, helps to cleanse the body. In combination with a hearty apple and an equally healthy spinach, you will get a very nutritious drink.

#6. Smoothie with apple, cucumber, lime, and micro-greens
Microgreen 2 tablespoons
Apple 1 piece
lime 1 piece
Cucumber 1 piece
Cooking time 15 minutes
Lime not only helps to remove toxic substances from our body, but also has a calming effect on the nervous system, improves overall health, and improves mood.
A lime smoothie combined with cucumber and apple is a very refreshing and invigorating drink. Perfect for an early breakfast.
#7. Smoothies with avocado, rhubarb, lemon and microgreens
Ingredients for 2 large servings:
Rhubarb (can be replaced with celery) 1 large stem
Lemon (peeled) 1/2 piece
ginger root 2 teaspoons
Curly cabbage (or spinach) 3.53 oz.
Avocado 1/2 pcs
Water 13.53 fl oz
Chia seeds 1 tablespoon
Micro-green salad dressing 2 tablespoons
Cooking time 10 minutes
Mix all the ingredients in a blender until smooth, without lumps. It is better to drink such a drink through a straw. At first glance, this is a rather unusual combination. It turns out quite satisfying and easy.
The vitamins contained in avocado, rhubarb, cabbage, and micro-greens help to fight stress, soothe and improve memory. If you feel chronically tired, this cocktail is exactly what you need.

8. Smoothies with broccoli, spinach, lemon and micro-greens
Ingredients per 1 serving:
Broccoli 3.53oz
Spinach 1 tablespoon
Parsley 1/2 bunch
Lemon 1/2 pcs
ginger 1 teaspoon
Any seeds (flax, sesame) 2 tablespoons
Vegetable protein 1 tablespoon
Water 1 cup
Microgreen 1 tablespoons
Cooking time 10 minutes
Mix all the ingredients in a blender until smooth. It is impossible to overestimate the useful properties of broccoli. This cabbage has a high protein content, which makes it indispensable for vegetarians. Also, broccoli is a great meat substitute when you don’t want to eat heavy food in hot weather.
Broccoli is an excellent dietary product that removes heavy metal salts from the body. In combination with micro-green and lime, you will get a very interesting drink that you can drink in the evening.
9. Kiwi smoothies, pineapple and microgreens. 10 anti-aging smoothies with Microgreens.
Kiwi 1 piece
cucumber 1 piece
pineapple 1 piece
lemon 1 piece
Microgreen 2 tablespoons
Cooking time 15 minutes
Take the lemon and kiwi, peel. Cut the fruit into large pieces. In the bowl of a blender, whisk the ingredients until smooth. Pour the cocktail into glasses, you can decorate with mint.
The combination of familiar vegetables and sweet fruits is the key to a delicious result. The biologically active substances contained in pineapple give it unique healing properties: it stimulates digestion, promotes weight loss, and rejuvenation the body.
Pineapple increases the content of serotonin in the blood, which dulls the feeling of hunger, and also removes excess fluid. Together with lemon, cucumber, and kiwi, you will get a real vitamin charge.

10. Smoothies with apple, celery and micro-greens. 10 anti-aging smoothies with Microgreens.
Celery 1 piece
Microgreen 2 tablespoons
Apple 1 piece
Cooking time 10 minutes
Cut the fruit into large pieces. In the bowl of a blender, whisk the ingredients until smooth. Pour the cocktail into glasses, you can decorate with mint.
This is probably the most common green smoothie. Celery is a great tonic. Celery is considered to be a good detoxifier. It is low-calorie, has soothing properties, and is very useful for heavy loads and in heat. Celery and apple drink are perfect for both breakfast and dinner. Bon Appetit!