10 secrets of beautiful skin with a healthy diet

10 secrets of beautiful skin with a healthy diet

Beautiful and well-groomed skin is not only a sign of beauty but also an indicator of the overall health of the body. Nutrition plays an important role in keeping the skin in excellent condition, providing it with essential nutrients. 10 secrets of beautiful skin with a healthy diet.
For youth and skin health, it is necessary to monitor the diet, eliminate harmful foods, and introduce a full and varied diet into your life. Also, do not forget to drink enough water and take regular care of your skin, which will make it even more beautiful and healthy.

#1. Means of preserving young skin: plenty of water. 10 secrets of beautiful skin with a healthy diet.

Water removes harmful toxins from the body, accelerates metabolism and has a moisturizing effect. Only pure natural water has this effect, it is better to use it without any additives.

How it works:

It is necessary to moisturize the skin from the inside. If your body is dehydrated, then no creams or injections of hyaluronic acid designed to retain moisture will help you. And when the body is dehydrated, it primarily takes away the necessary moisture for vital organs and systems. And the skin will come last here.

Just add water
Just add water. Photos from Pixabay.com

Clean water promotes the renewal of dermal cells, fills it with moisture and is an indispensable weapon in the fight against acne. When the body is dehydrated, the skin loses its tone, becomes dry, and inflammatory processes often develop on its surface. To maintain the natural beauty and health of the skin, nutritionists recommend that women drink 1.52 liters of clean water every day

During active workouts and trips to the sauna, you need to increase the amount of liquid by another 1 to 1.5 liters per day.

#2. A means to preserve the youthfulness of the skin: collagen. 10 secrets of beautiful skin with a healthy diet.


Collagen is produced in the human body from food substances that come with food. First of all, it is a food rich in protein — meat, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, seafood, cottage cheese, and legumes. Vitamin C, zinc, and selenium help to synthesize collagen.
So, to get collagen, you can go two ways: eat a lot of meat, fish or legumes, or you can just use a dietary supplement.

(1) – “Skin fibroblasts have an absolute dependence on vitamin C for the synthesis of collagen, and for the regulation of the collagen/elastin balance in the dermis.

Include foods rich in amino acids, vitamins, and minerals in the menu. This will start the process of increasing collagen synthesis. Vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis, and broccoli, play an important role in this process. Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids also stimulate the production of collagen in the body.

What contributes to the production of collagen

Foods high in protein help the body in collagen synthesis because they contain the amino acids that make up it: glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline.

If there are not enough protein-rich foods in the diet, even taking collagen preparations will not have an effect. Due to protein deficiency, the body will make up for its deficiency due to the collagen that you take in. At the same time, all the amino acids that make up it will be used for the most urgent and primary needs, for example, to maintain joints and muscles.

vegetables and fruits nuts
vegetables and fruits nuts. Photos from Pixabay.com

Foods containing high amounts of protein: meat; bird; fish; egg white; milk, cottage cheese; cabbage; mushrooms; asparagus; legumes and soybeans.

For successful synthesis, collagen also requires certain vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, in addition to a balanced diet and giving up bad habits, it is worth including dishes with a high content of the following substances in the menu:

Vitamin C. It is found in citrus fruits, berries, leafy vegetables, bell peppers and tomatoes.
Vitamin E is found in avocados, unrefined vegetables and butter, nuts, sea buckthorn.
Vitamin D — fatty fish, butter, liver, dairy products, egg yolk.
Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) — liver, lean meat, nuts, milk.
Vitamin B6 — pine nuts and walnuts, beans, oily fish, bell pepper, pomegranate.
Zinc is found in shellfish, legumes, meat, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
Copper is found in beef liver, cashew nuts, oysters, crabs, and sunflower seeds.
Iron — meat, liver, kidneys, egg yolks, oysters.
Omega-3 fatty acids — sardines, salmon, cod liver, caviar.

#3. Foods with vitamin C. 10 secrets of beautiful skin with a healthy diet.

One of the main antioxidants is vitamin C. It is necessary for the synthesis of collagen. Vitamin C stimulates its own collagen production + improves the functioning of the collagen that is already there (its own and/or from supplements).
The main sources of vitamin C in food:

Among vegetables, bell peppers hold the record for ascorbic acid content, especially yellow and red fruits (250 mg of vitamin per 100 g of product). Vitamin C is rich in parsley (150 mg), Brussels sprouts (120 mg), dill (100 mg), broccoli (80 mg). Ascorbic acid is also found in other types of cabbage, as well as in spinach, sorrel, green peas, radishes, beans, potatoes, zucchini, and onions.

When choosing fruits with vitamin C, you should first pay attention to kiwis (90 mg), oranges (60 mg) and lemons (40 mg). Quinces, apples, cherries, apricots, peaches, bananas, and plums contain a lot of ascorbic acid.

Berries are very rich in vitamin C, especially sea buckthorn (200 mg), black currant (200 mg), viburnum (80 mg), red mountain ash (70 mg) and strawberry (60 mg). But the absolute champion is the rosehip fruit. 100 g of fruits can contain from 450 to 2400 mg of vitamin, depending on the type of rosehip.

(1) – “Skin keratinocytes have the capacity to accumulate high concentrations of vitamin C, and this in association with vitamin E affords protection against UV irradiation.”

Salad with avocado, chicken and mango
Salad with avocado, chicken and mango. Photos from Pixabay.com

Vitamin C fights the negative effects of free radicals, smoking and a polluted environment, and this in turn improves the production of collagen and elastin.

#4. Eating a minimum amount of sugar. 10 secrets of beautiful skin with a healthy diet.

Eating large amounts of sugary foods can contribute to dehydration of the skin, as sugar attracts water and can worsen the loss of hydration. This can lead to dryness, flaking, and wrinkles.
Sugar can contribute to inflammation in the body, which can affect the skin in the form of redness, irritation and other manifestations of inflammatory processes.
Increased consumption of sweets can contribute to the accumulation of free radicals in the body, which can lead to oxidative stress and deterioration of overall skin health.

Healthy skin products containing vitamin C will also be a good treat, which will increase collagen production. Enjoy papaya, strawberries, oranges and kiwis to get results quickly.

#5. A remedy for beautiful skin: A minimum of alcohol

They cause dehydration. The skin becomes dry and less elastic as a result of active fluid removal.
They lead to the appearance of edema. Although alcohol acts as a diuretic, some of the fluid still accumulates in the tissues. This is because alcoholic beverages increase the permeability of the vascular walls. Due to the accumulation of moisture, edema forms. And the higher a person’s predisposition to puffiness, the more unpleasant surprises await him in the morning.
They activate the aging process. Alcohol depletes the reserves of vitamin A, which is responsible for skin renewal and collagen production. Also, drinks with a degree make the skin more sensitive to the influence of external aggressive factors. The result will not take long to wait, with frequent alcohol consumption, wrinkles appear earlier.
Reduce the absorption of valuable substances. Alcoholic beverages remove nutrients from the body during dehydration and metabolism. Alcohol-containing liquids also reduce pancreatic secretion, which also prevents the absorption of valuable substances.
They provoke the appearance of rashes. Many alcoholic beverages contain salt and sugar. They enhance sebum production, so beauty suffers from the appearance of inflammation, clogging of pores, and the formation of comedones. We must not forget about the yeast content in beer, which also affects the skin in a bad way.
They worsen the complexion. Alcoholic beverages act as a vasodilator, so the skin may turn red after drinking alcohol. And frequent drinking of liquids with degrees can even lead to an exacerbation of rosacea — vasodilation, redness on the face. Champagne and beer also make the integuments dull, because of them blue appears under the eyes.

#6. Nutrition as a way to rejuvenate the skin

Good skin condition depends not only on proper cosmetic care but also on daily nutrition. The products that we consume every day can become faithful helpers in the struggle for youth and beauty. Products that have a rejuvenating effect on mature skin.

(1) – “Good skin health is positively associated with fruit and vegetable intake in a number of well-executed intervention studies. The active component in the fruit and vegetables responsible for the observed benefit is unidentified, and the effect is likely to be multi-factorial, although vitamin C status is closely aligned with fruit and vegetable intake.”

These include:
Products with a high sulfur content. It has been proven that sulfur is responsible for the youthfulness of the skin. Fresh eggs, asparagus and garlic are rich in sulfur.
Drinks. Green tea, herbal decoctions, rose hip decoction with honey.
There is nothing better than starting the morning with freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice.
Seafood. Fatty acids, especially Omega-3 and Omega-6, are incredibly important for skin health. They are found in marine fish.
Poultry meat. Only white meat is suitable if a woman makes a diet based on the needs of the skin.
By-products. We are talking about the liver, which is rich in beneficial trace elements.
Bread. We are talking only about coarse bread, grain bread with bran, without yeast. You can eat no more than 3 slices per day.

Maintain food interest
Maintain food interest. Photos from Pixabay.com

Vegetable fats. Olive oil and other cold-pressed oils are very useful, especially if you add them to vegetable salads.
Fruit. In particular, fresh pears, grapefruits and apples are very useful.
Vegetables. The skin will be grateful if you eat fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots.
Nuts. Walnuts, cashews, almonds and other types of nuts are incredibly beneficial for the beauty and youthfulness of the skin.

Choosing the right foods is one of the most important aspects of healthy skin. A healthy diet today will be the key to youth and beauty tomorrow.

#7. A means of preserving young skin: an abundance of green and orange foods. 10 secrets of beautiful skin with a healthy diet.

Fruits and vegetables should make up a significant part of the diet to cleanse and improve skin condition. Their number is practically unlimited. Plant food is a supplier of fiber, vitamins, and trace elements.

They improve the functioning of the digestive tract, accelerate metabolism. Special attention should be paid to the gifts of orange and green fields: carrots, spinach, parsley, tomatoes will provide the body with vitamin A. Citrus fruits, strawberries, currants, and sauerkraut are suitable for improving the complexion. They are sources of vitamin C.

Green leafy and orange vegetables contain vitamin A.
Vitamin A affects not only our eyesight, but our skin also requires a large amount of this element: Carrots, spinach and other leafy green vegetables are reliable helpers in the fight for youth and beautiful skin tone.

Vitamin A is an effective antioxidant that can prevent inflammation. Radiant skin and velvety texture are the reasons why you should include beta–carotene-rich foods in your diet. Remember that vitamin A can only be absorbed along with fats – eat carrot salad with sour cream or vegetable oil, and dilute vegetable juices with cream.

# 8. A remedy for beautiful skin: foods with alpha-linolenic acid. 10 secrets of beautiful skin with a healthy diet.

Alpha-linolenic acid is an essential fatty acid that we know as Omega-3. It is found in many vegetable oils: cedar, linseed, peanut, hemp, chia seed oil. This acid protects the skin from various damages, including sun rays.  A variety of seeds and nuts should be present in the diet every day.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential elements for healthy skin and beautiful hair!

Thanks to them, the skin becomes elastic, and nails and hair are strengthened. Omega-3 fatty acids belong to the group of valuable fatty acids (EFAs). They have strong nourishing properties for the skin, improve its tension and slow down the process of wrinkle formation.

#9. Adhere to a healthy and proper diet

A diet can noticeably improve the appearance of the skin of the face only if you stick to it for a long time, without allowing yourself any gastronomic indulgences. The first results after its start can be expected in 2-3 weeks. Correcting the diet will reduce the number of rashes on the face, smooth out fine wrinkles and restore skin elasticity.

#10. Love healthy fats. 10 secrets of beautiful skin with a healthy diet.

Their deficiency leads to dryness and peeling. Very often, women who follow low-calorie diets complain about such symptoms. Choose unsaturated healthy fats, such as oily fish, nuts, olive oil, and more. They will not harm a good figure and will have a moisturizing effect on the skin.

When making a daily diet, it is important to remember that some diseases may be a contraindication to the use of certain foods. Therefore, before starting a healthy diet, it is better to consult with competent specialists – doctors will be able to fully examine the body, and a nutrition coach will make the optimal menu based on the results of the examination.

(1) – US National Library of Medicine; The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Hea; 2017 Aug 12.


Elena runs a private practice as a nutrition coach in the USA and many countries around the world. https://elenasunshinemagazine.com/services/

I offer:

Evaluate current meal plans and give general recommendations.

Individual consultations.

Making individual meal plans.

Recommend gradual dietary changes and consistent dietary practice.

Discuss the importance of balanced macronutrient intake.

To offer recommendations on eating behavior.

Promote the calorie recommendations set out by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, MyPlate, the Eatwell Guide in the United Kingdom, or other acceptable organizations.


The best and healthiest foods to eat before exercise