At home, cryotherapy can be partially replaced by using ice for the face. It is used for wiping and for massage, with its help you can noticeably improve the condition of any type of skin, and effectively fight wrinkles. from wrinkles and for rejuvenation.
Under the influence of ice, the skin of the face becomes softer, denser, and more elastic, dark circles under the eyes disappear, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Adding herbal decoctions and a number of other natural additives to the water before freezing enhances the usefulness of the procedure.
Depending on the components, ice can saturate the skin with trace elements, whiten age spots and freckles, and remove inflammatory processes in the form of acne and pimples, the procedure is often prescribed after filling.
You can use ice cubes with facial oils or aroma led. Cooking does not take much time, and it gives excellent results!
Wiping your face with ice smoothes both fine and deep wrinkles — try it, you will definitely like the effect.
Using ice cubes with oils. from wrinkles and for rejuvenation.
Do not use ice in the morning. Let yourself wake up and enjoy this state. Cold is stress, you need to prepare for it.
Do not use ice just before going to bed. This is mostly a toning procedure.
Aroma lead can replace a tonic, so it is best to use it after cleansing the skin.
Hold the ice a little in your hands so that it melts. This way you can avoid damage to the epidermis by the sharp edges of a cold piece.
Drive along the massage lines.
Do not stop in one place, constantly change the location.
It is advisable not to wipe the face after the procedure, let it absorb as much as possible. If something remains on the skin after a while, gently blot it with a napkin.
The benefits of ice for dry and oily skin
The effect of the icing procedure on the face depends on the type of skin. With increased dryness of the epidermis, as a result of the session, the intercellular spaces will be saturated with moisture, due to which the skin will become silky to the touch and elastic, and wrinkles become less noticeable.
The use of an iced cocktail with fruit and vegetable juices, herbal decoctions, and tea extract will enhance the saturation of the dermis with nutrients and trace elements.

Self-prepared ice can be used for wrinkles around the eyes because the main problem of their appearance in this area of the face is associated with a lack of moisture.
With an oily skin type, the procedure will lead to a narrowing of the sebaceous glands. And this in turn reduces the production of sebum, under the influence of which the unhealthy shine on the face increases, and acne and black dots appear.
Methods of making homemade ice for procedures. from wrinkles and for rejuvenation.
The effectiveness of the procedure for the skin and its safety are largely determined by how well ice is prepared at home.
In fact, the preparatory stage takes a minimum of time, it includes:
Choosing a mold for freezing water
It can be like a regular silicone mold from the freezer, a special small plastic bag for freezing.

Preparing the basics
Take filtered, mineral water without gases. A decoction of herbs is prepared in most cases from a spoonful of dry raw materials and a glass of boiling water. After infusing for half an hour, it is necessarily filtered and only then added to the molds. Fruit or berry ice cubes are prepared in a special way. First, the fruits are crushed, then they are laid in a mold and only then filled with water.
The molds should be placed in the freezer after the water in them cools down to room temperature. Ice freezes for 8-10 hours, it is advisable to put the mold in the department where there is no meat and fish, otherwise, the water will quickly absorb foreign odors.
The prepared ice can be safely used in home facial care.
Ice for the face from wrinkles recipes. from wrinkles and for rejuvenation.
Various herbs and other useful additives can be added to the water before freezing. Such ice for the face from wrinkles will act even more effectively solving various cosmetic problems.
Ice for the face recipes includes a wide variety of ingredients — more familiar, such as aloe or chamomile, or even a little shocking, like mummy or coffee.
After wiping the ice with cosmetic ice, it is worth applying a serum or moisturizer to avoid skin tightening and drying out.
Ice recipes are divided into herbal fruit vegetable tea and coffee milk.
It is worth choosing your recipe according to your skin type:
Ice from ordinary water. from wrinkles and for rejuvenation.
Pure frozen water is in itself the main means of skin treatment. Additives that go into ice only slightly emphasize the solution of a particular problem, but it is ice that has maximum efficiency.

Mineral ice for the face
You can get the maximum effect simply and quickly. Mineral water contains many useful substances for the skin. The concentration of minerals will be higher than in a cream or mask. Pour mineral water into a container for cubes and put it in the freezer. Ice cubes from mineral water — fast, convenient, and useful!
Ice with chamomile for the face
One bag of chamomile (or 1-2 tablespoons) is filled with half a cup of boiling water. Filter the chamomile or remove the bag. Pour into ice molds, and freeze.
Ice with lemon (citrus) for the face
Lemon has the effect of whitening and lifting and is rich in vitamins. Pay attention to how popular serums with vitamins and mesotherapy with vitamins are now. So the effect of rubbing ice cubes with lemon and other citrus fruits will be the same.

Parsley ice for the face
Parsley ice refreshes the face and gives a little whitening effect. Parsley will help to remove puffiness and bags under the eyes.
To make ice cubes, chop the parsley in a blender and add a glass of boiling water. Simmer on low heat for 10 minutes. This will allow all the useful substances from parsley to go into the water. Pour the water with parsley into the molds and freeze.
Sage for face ice
Sage has truly amazing properties. Ursolic acid, which is part of sage, successfully fights various skin rashes (pimples, acne). Flavonoids help to keep the skin young. A decoction is prepared from sage, which is then frozen.
Ice from milk (cow and goat) for the face
From milk, we can make a fantastic recipe for youth and beauty — milk cubes. They tighten and refresh the face well. You can make ice cubes purely from milk or mix it with herbs.

Ice from coffee for the face
Coffee is unique in its properties. It increases the natural production of collagen and elastin in the skin, cleanses the skin, improves microcirculation, and also helps to even out the skin tone.
Ice from tea for the face
Tea tightens the skin. Tea is a powerful antioxidant, able to slow down the aging process. You will immediately feel the lifting effect that ice cubes with tea have. For such cubes, both green and black tea are suitable. Tea is brewed and frozen.
Ice for the face with aloe recipe
Aloe helps to relieve inflammation, irritation, various skin rashes go away. Aloe leaves are kept in the refrigerator (in a plastic bag) for 10 days. Then we cut off a piece and chop it with a knife.
Add clean cold water to the aloe leaves (it should be 2 times more in volume). Beat the aloe with water with a blender. Filter the resulting liquid through a sieve and pour it into ice molds. Freeze.

Ice with calendula for the face. from wrinkles and for rejuvenation.
Ice with calendula will be able to remove any irritation and inflammation from the skin. Calendula saturates the skin with trace elements, contributing to its renewal and rejuvenation.
Ice cubes from kelp for the face
Kelp will help tighten the contour of the face and rejuvenate the face. The composition of kelp includes vitamin C, vitamin A, niacin, choline, potassium, calcium, iron, and many other useful substances and trace elements. To prepare cosmetic cubes, you will need to pour the crushed kelp into a glass of boiling water, wait for a little, and put it in the refrigerator.
Mint ice for the face
Mint ice for the face is able to refresh your face, tone your skin and give it a radiant appearance. The freshness of mint and the cold of ice are the perfect combination for morning washing.
When the skin is dry, it is recommended to make ice from mint and milk. In this case, the dried mint is brewed with hot milk, filtered, and poured into cubes.
Rosehip for the face in ice cubes
The vitamins contained in rosehip can slow down the aging process. It helps to retain moisture in the skin cells. To begin with, prepare a decoction of rosehip, which is then poured into molds and frozen.
Secrets of essential oils. from wrinkles and for rejuvenation.
Aromatherapy will not surprise anyone anymore. And what if you add a couple of drops to the water and freeze it? The use of cosmetic ice with essential oils will saturate the skin, soothe irritation, and strengthen metabolic processes in the skin.

It is enough to add 1-2 drops of oil to the ice container and freeze. Citrus, rosemary, and almond oils are excellent for cosmetic purposes.
It is easy to prolong the youth of the skin if you know the right beauty recipes and apply them regularly. Simple homemade recipes of rejuvenating ice for the face are available to everyone who wants to surprise others with their unfading beauty for many years.
Ice in combination with medicinal herbs, fruits, berries, and essential oils has a powerful therapeutic, health, and rejuvenating effect.