But the most important rule is that you only need an environmentally friendly dandelion! All parts of the plant are used, and if desired, dandelions can be used to make a menu for the whole day. But if you are not ready for such bold gastronomic experiments, start with one thing. 5 healthy dandelion recipes.
(1) – “Dandelions have been eaten for centuries because the leaves contain numerous vitamins and minerals, including iron, potassium, and calcium. Add young unblemished dandelion leaves to salads and smoothies. Substitute them for other leafy greens, including spinach, endive, mustard, and collards. Macerating the leaves in water pulls out some of the leaves bitterness. Sauté larger leaves with olive oil, onion, garlic, salt, and lemon, and add to pesto, pastas, omelets, soups, and savory pies.”
#1.Dandelion leaf salad with spinach and peanuts. 5 healthy dandelion recipes.
Many people know about the benefits of dandelions, but not many people cook dishes from dandelion leaves. Try making a dandelion leaf salad with spinach and peanuts. Thanks to a well-chosen combination of components, dandelion bitterness becomes just a light piquant bitterness.

Ingredients for 2 servings:
Dandelion leaves, young 3 tablespoons
Fresh spinach, young leaves 3.53oz
Green onion 5 tablespoons
Peanuts 4 tablespoons
Eggs 3 pieces
Soy sauce 2 tablespoons
Apple vinegar 2 teaspoons
Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
Cooking time 15 minutes
We prepare all the necessary products. Use only young dandelion leaves.
Dandelion leaves are thoroughly washed. Then we cut off the thick stems.
We prepare a saline solution. In 2 cups of cold water, dissolve a tablespoon of salt. We lower the dandelion leaves into a saline solution for 30 minutes.
Peanuts are fried in a frying pan without oil for about 3 minutes until the aroma appears. Dandelion leaves are gently soaked with a paper towel and cut into large strips. Green onions are washed, dried, and finely chopped. Spinach is washed, dried, and cut into large strips. We cook chicken eggs.
In a bowl, combine dandelion leaves, spinach, eggs, and green onions. Add peanuts, soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, vegetable oil, salt, and pepper to taste. Gently mix. Spinach, peanut, and dandelion leaf salad are ready to serve. Enjoy your meal!
#2. Fried dandelion roots
You can also fry young dandelion flowers in the batter. Before cooking, they should be rinsed and excess moisture removed. Dip each flower into the batter and fry in a large amount of vegetable oil.

Ingredients for 2 servings:
Dandelion roots 12.35oz
Egg 1 piece
Breadcrumbs 3 tablespoons
Salt, spices to taste
Butter 3 tablespoons
Cooking time 35 minutes
Collect and peel the dandelion roots (preferably young), and boil in salted water for 15-20 minutes. Drain the water, cool the roots slightly, and then cut them into pieces. Dip them in egg and breadcrumbs. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the dandelions until golden brown.
#3.Summer soup of dandelion leaves, sorrel, and nettle. 5 healthy dandelion recipes.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
Nettle 3.53oz
Young radish leaves 3.53oz
Sorrel 5.29oz
Dandelion leaves 3.53oz
Green onion 3.53oz
Onion 1 pc.
Fig 1 cup
Vegetable oil 3 tablespoons
Water 3 cups (or broth 3 cups)
Garlic to taste
Cheese 5.29oz
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Cooking time 30 minutes
Rinse the green leaves, cut them into thin strips, and pour boiling water over them. Chop the green and onion. Rinse the rice with cold water.
Pour the herbs, onions, and rice with vegetable oil and broth, and add salt, pepper, and soda. Cook until tender. Sprinkle with crushed garlic, and grated cheese, and serve.
#4.Dandelion jelly
These sunny flowers are very useful for health and preparations from them will easily improve your mood, increase the tone of the body and energize you.
To collect dandelions for cooking jelly, like any wild edible plants, it is necessary away from roads and urban settlements, in dry weather, during daylight hours, and closer to noon, so that the flowers are not closed.

Dandelion flowers 4 cups
Water 4 cups
Pectin 5 tablespoons
Sugar 28.22oz
Freshly squeezed lemon juice 3 tablespoons
Cooking time 20 minutes
Disassemble the dandelion flowers into yellow and white fibers (all the greens need to be removed), pour water, bring to a boil, and cook for another 5 minutes. Let the broth infuse for 10 minutes, and then strain through a sieve (the flowers should be squeezed out). Mix pectin (according to the instructions) and sugar 3.53oz. Gradually add the remaining sugar to the pot with the broth and bring the mixture to a boil.
Also gently add the pectin with sugar and lemon juice, and cook for another minute. After the infusion has cooled, pour it into small containers, close the lids, and send it to the refrigerator for 4 hours. Jelly is suitable for eating for two weeks.
#5. Baked dandelion leaves with mushrooms and cheese.5 healthy dandelion recipes.
When soaked in salt water, dandelion leaves get rid of their inherent bitterness, leaving only a light bitter flavor trail mixed with lemon sourness. In a salad, dandelion leaves can be safely combined with protein products: fried mushrooms and mozzarella are a wonderful addition to edible spring foliage.

Ingredients for 2 servings:
Dandelion leaves 17.64oz
Mushrooms 7.0oz
Butter 3 tablespoons
Grated cheese 4 tablespoons
Salt to taste
Parsley 1/2 bunch
Dill 1/2 bunch
Cooking time 25 minutes
Soak the dandelion leaves in salted water and squeeze. Put in a shallow saucepan, adding 1 tablespoon of butter, simmer the pre-peeled and sliced mushrooms separately with oil. Mix dandelion with mushrooms, add grated cheese and 2 tablespoons of butter, put in a mold, and put in the oven, sprinkle with grated cheese, and put a little butter on top. Keep for 10 minutes until browned. Enjoy your meal!
(1) -THE DANDELION. Anne Rothfeld, Ph.D., is a librarian and historian in the History of Medicine Division of the National Library of Medicine US. https://circulatingnow.nlm.nih.gov/2016/06/07/the-dandelion/
Elena runs a private practice as a nutrition coach in the USA and many countries around the world. https://elenasunshinemagazine.com/services/
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