There are different circumstances in life, and not all of them have a positive effect on a person’s emotional mood. Anxiety, depression, and chronic stress can shake physical health. How to distract yourself from negative experiences and do what is really important to you?
They make it difficult to navigate the situation, to get out of the crisis with minimal losses. The inner world needs to be stabilized first of all. How can you help yourself to find balance, regardless of external events?
The first step: is awareness of excessive psychological stress
The beginning of solving any problem is to pay attention to it, to understand that it exists. Constant stress and bad mood are not the norms.
All people have negative experiences. They should not be suppressed – it is useless and harmful. It is more logical to give them a way out through safe physical actions. The stream of consciousness is also rarely calm and clear, especially against the background of nervous tension or depression. Experiences give rise to anxious thoughts, and the future is seen in a gloomy light – the state of mind worsens.

Having discovered symptoms such as chronic anxiety, apathy, or obsessive fears, you need to understand the awareness of your condition.
The second step: cleansing your emotional state. How to distract yourself from negative experiences and do what is really important to you?
There are three effective exercises to release negative energy:
#1. The scream
All you need is a soundproofed room or a deserted place in nature: a forest or a field.
#2. Interaction with water. How to distract yourself from negative experiences and do what is really important to you?
Any liquid, especially water, has the ability to absorb and store information. Therefore, the most important point here is the flow. A shower or a river will do, a basin or a standing pond will not. You need to focus on the subject of your anxiety, being close to running water.
The effect will increase if you formulate your problems and speak out loud. The current will carry away negative emotions. You will be surprised how much easier it will become in a few minutes if you do the exercise seriously.
#3. Tactile contact with a living tree
For the sake of this exercise, you do not have to go far: any park or square near the house will do. Task: find a tree that you like the beauty of the crown, the texture of the bark, or something else, and embrace it. Yes, it’s that simple. Instead of accumulated negative energy, you will receive an influx of natural forces. Don’t be shy – it’s worth it.

#4. A look at the situation and prospects
Divide a sheet of a notebook or notebook into two columns. Fill the first one with obsessive reasons for fear. (For example, loss of a source of income, illness, difficulties with housing). In the second column, state how great is the risk of a particular situation. What makes you afraid – real prerequisites or abstract anxiety?
Write at least ten ways out of a possible crisis. Let your imagination run wild, the subconscious finds non-standard solutions when it is not restrained. Next, list what you would need to implement in each scenario. What additional knowledge, skills, contacts, and opportunities, and in what ways you could get them? And it will turn out that out of ten solutions to the problem, at least one will be feasible.
The third step: filling with energy, and restoring the internal resource. How to distract yourself from negative experiences and do what is really important to you?
Breathing – its depth and rhythm – is extremely important for the nervous system. Therefore, breathing exercises should not be neglected.
1. Soothing: the left nostril closes, inhales,s and exhales through the right, then it closes, breathing occurs through the left – and so on in turn.
2. Setting the rhythm: inhale at the count of “one”, the breath is delayed at “two”, exhale at “three”, and pause again at “four”.

Another way to accumulate positive energy is meditation, that is, sessions of increased awareness. Observation of the flight of an ordinary maple leaf. You can focus on your feelings during the usual actions of cooking, and ironing. All this helps not to get scattered, but to concentrate on the moment here and now.
To distract yourself from negative experiences and do what is really important is your goal. Not necessarily work, but any activity that captures and fills life with meaning. This is what you need to focus on.
Allow yourself to experience happiness – let it become a natural state.